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Mass brawl at theme park after Muslim women are banned from going on rides unless they remove their

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by thedeadlyrhythm
reply to post by JibbyJedi

so by your logic, I, as a patron also riding the ride, should have to be put at risk for her sake? makes sense

Thank you,
Thank you for posting a short and sweet makes sense common sense statement,
there is hope.


Here's a great opportunity ......uh huh ? MUSLIM FUNLAND that's right a muslim amusement theme park, they can do anything they want there, all the rides are based on their faith.
Sounds golden.

edit on 1-9-2011 by HappilyEverAfter because: to add

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:48 PM
I didn't read 9 pages of posts...sorry if this is a repeat...but my first instinct was to think - who cares - let them wear their head scarves....but then I thought, well maybe the head scarves could fly off onto other people or get caught in the mechanisms...I mean we wouldn't want anyone to be decapitated if their scarf got caught on a wheel or something. So if its due to safety I would agree with the removal of the head scarfs.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:55 PM
The reasons these rules exist, is because at some point in time, someone wore "loose clothing", like a scarf on their head during a ride, and it resulted in a catastrophic and gruesome death. Not only to that person, but probably to other "riders" as well.

I mean it's common sense now, but it never used to be... yet some people still question it. Why would they think it's about exposing their faces or harassing them when clearly they say, "You can walk around the park and do whatever you want but it has to come off during the rides."

Why is that so hard?

It's the same reason you can get fired if you wear long-sleeves or loose clothing in a machinery shop. You don't wear dangling articles of clothing when near intense machinery. That's all.

How immature and disgustingly selfish this is.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

you'd be surprised how many short and sweet rebuttals in this thread put all the nonsense to rest. the only problem is, nothing you could ever say could ever get through to some of the people in this thread. they just keep ignoring it and repeating the same things, ignoring whatever points are convenient for them to ignore

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:01 PM
I don't get it cause, if something happens then it happens to whoever wore the long clothing or whatever and i dont see why make a big deal out of it i mean so what; move on bigger things to worry about. No point arguing won't get anywhere with that

also i think it would depend on the ride too, maybe if they were going on a little ride that goes slow then go on it with the things they were wearing, but on a big fast rollercoaster then dont go on it with those clothing or not at all
edit on 1/9/11 by Eloquent because: add a bit more

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Eloquent
I don't get it cause, if something happens then it happens to whoever wore the long clothing or whatever and i dont see why make a big deal out of it i mean so what; move on bigger things to worry about. No point arguing won't get anywhere with that

is that a serious statement?

do you know what the word liability means?

have you ever heard of, ya know, someone, ya know, SUING someone? it's this crazy thing, pretty newfangled i dunno if you've heard of it.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Well were western society, not eastern, we do things differently and we do not appreciate people trying to force their ways on us. This is why sharia won't gain a foothold in the U.S. we have laws, and here man's law supercedes God's law, or any other god or goddess.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by thedeadlyrhythm

Yes and look, instant proof pops up.
IF 'they' were allowed to ride with unsafe clothing,
and IF 'they' signed a waiver,
and IF 'they' sat in front of me and got ripped out of their seat and came flying back and smashed me or broke my neck or killed my kids,
THEY would be dead and their waiver of claim would be null because I AM (or someone else) is DEAD as well.

AND I signed no waiver therefore my surviving family and the representing attorneys have probably just became multi multi millionaires.

Yeah but its no big deal let em ride.

anusbrains are contagious

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by thedeadlyrhythm

again this is just my opinion not everyone agrees, explain what your saying as i dont understand you also i wil hceck back another time im off

cant see why people argue over things happening in somewhere else in the world that dont even effect you and never will

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by PhantomSnake
This reminds me of an incident we had in our local area not so long ago at our local go kart track
where a young muslim woman was asked to remove her head scarf before racing and she refused to the point where she deliberately drove off on officials only to be killed on the first turn because it was caught in the engine i believe if i could find the article i would link it.

But I found it, first hit on Google "muslim killed by go kart"
Muslim woman strangled by burkha on freak kart accident

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Eloquent
reply to post by thedeadlyrhythm

again this is just my opinion not everyone agrees, explain what your saying as i dont understand you also i wil hceck back another time im off

cant see why people argue over things happening in somewhere else in the world that dont even effect you and never will

well considering you're putting in your 2 cents as well... yeah i'll leave it at that.

and yeah, i figured you didnt understand the fact that IF the muslim woman was allowed to ride with her headscarf, and it came loose and got caught in any moving part involved with the ride, and resulted in her death or the death of someone else, the PARK and the OWNERS are responsible for those deaths. the family/the injured can sue, and these crazy things called COURTS can order the owners of the park to pay damages to the families.

so, the PEOPLE THAT OWN THE PARK try to avoid these types of things by installing these whaked out things called "rules". since its, ya know, THEIR PROPERTY, the customers can either abide by them, or leave. sounds nuts i know

the sense of entitlement some people have is completely beyond my comprehension. they act like they are being discriminated against, when in reality, if the park breaks the rules for them, they are discriminating against everyone else there.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:29 PM
I'll try this once. Ok, there is a possibility, however slight, that the head scarf could unravel, catch in a moving part, and hurt that woman and possibly others. The rules are clearly stated. The signs with the posted rules have been there for years. Obviously, I did not see this ENTIRE event unfold so all I will say is that the park workers can refuse to let you on the ride if you're wearing a hat/head scarf or are too short, pregnant or have no legs.

This last point is important. Just a short time ago, at a six flags outside of buffalo, ny, a man who was a veteran and disabled (no legs) was allowed to ride a roller coaster. No one told him he couldn't or if they did, eventually he was allowed to ride. Subsequently, he fell out and died. I bet in this state, since this just happened, parks are going to be real strict on the rules for awhile.

I just thought that story was pertinent seeing as how it was major news in my area and I am sure it is a major issue for theme park owners.
edit on 1-9-2011 by TruePatriot1685 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Eloquent
I don't get it cause, if something happens then it happens to whoever wore the long clothing or whatever and i dont see why make a big deal out of it i mean so what; move on bigger things to worry about. No point arguing won't get anywhere with that

also i think it would depend on the ride too, maybe if they were going on a little ride that goes slow then go on it with the things they were wearing, but on a big fast rollercoaster then dont go on it with those clothing or not at all
edit on 1/9/11 by Eloquent because: add a bit more

You dont even read the article. They sad that they do not ban headgear on all rides but on carefully choosen ones! Always these peoplo who dont even begin to read or think before hacking text into a computer.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:32 PM
Muslim women can get in touch with mr mask and order a tight fitting muslim safety mask for all their amusement park needs. After they have attained permission from their husbands of course.

the mask can be printed with a photograph of their face wearing a piece of loose cloth.

Problem solved.
edit on 1-9-2011 by Gradius Maximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by fooks

Originally posted by Fisherr
There should be a new rule.

NO Stupid People Allowed on the Rides.

can't say that, it's racist

true and defensible but racist.

let's see who picks up on this. .

Racist? LMFAO

We can't add 'stupid' as a race. There are too many boxes to check as it is! Plus, with them being 'stupid' how would they even know what box to check?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:37 PM
I can not add anymore to the best opinions from the first ones. Who stand to gain from either side in the battle?

Lawyers, the POS! They love this garbage and can make money from everywhere. Tort reform is needed.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:37 PM
Well, can you blame these people?

It is the forte of the likes of Westboro church
(show up and make outlandish statements at vets funeral ect. stretching free speech rights)
(As well as these people)

To find loopholes in the system and exploit them for money or personal gain..

This was all planned. The amusement park is ran by the state.

They knew the safty guidlines, the rules of the park, and that it is owned
and operated by NY state....

Lesson should be learned here..
State run amusement parks bad idea.
edit on 1-9-2011 by obummerdeception because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Highergrounds

I am Muslim and the way my religion acts is appalling, if I go back to Iran and say "hey im Catholic and they let me drink alcohol" what do you think would happen to me.... (*hanged)... Muslims or any religion/race that come to the US should follow the damn rules. 50 years ago or even today an older white lady wearing a scarf because its fashionable would have to remove the scarf as why the hell does my religion think they are above another countries law...?

I read no where in the Quo-ran where woman must wear head scarf's...I am getting sick of this crap, deport there sorry arses back to there home country where they feel the most comfortable instead of looking for a free payday here....

sniper out...

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by obummerdeception

I will take state run over any Federal BS.
I blame these people for not following the rules that are in place. A question, If one of them gets their scarf locked into the machine and the park did nothing to stop it, would they be sued

I Do Not ask for anything special being a Christian, neither should any other religion.
edit on 9/1/2011 by mugger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:47 PM
Very selfish of these select people. A "logical thinking" Muslim man or woman would understand that:

-yes, this head dress is a foreign and easily-removed object on the top of my head
-yes, I am going to a free willed and open amusement park owned by a private company
-yes, there are rules that must be followed for everyone's safety.
-yes, roller coasters have injured and killed people because rules were not in place or respectively followed.
-yes, I'm willing to do this roller coaster with everyone else...

everyone else.. including people who have not spoken with the rider(s) in question, breaking rules, about their wills and Life Insurance policies.

Not fair.

And especially not fair that this will ultimately fall into people's "Muslim People" label, instead of "Selfish Troublemakers".

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