posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 06:25 PM
Hi, I've been a long time time lurker and I've finally been able to join this incredible site. I've always been an open-minded person and have
always seeked the truth, knowing all things aren't as they seem. I tend to question everything, and I learn from doing so. But I have to say ATS has
really ignited my interest in the world around me and has made me very aware of the frightening consequences that comes with knowledge of this...
I am 16 and only have 1 friend apart from the rest that shares the same interest as I do. That being, staying up-to-date with current events, UFO's,
philosophy, politics, etc etc. Basically anything the " New Age " generation feels is unworthy of they're attention. I didn't mean to drag this
Intro. too long but thank you for reading and I look forward to sharing ideas and supporting them in threads in the very near future!