The other day, as I woke up, I had a strange thought come to me.
Now anyone who has read my threads in the past knows that I like to play "what if" games.
And as I look at what is going on in the world today I see more amd more people becoming more and more dependent on their government for their day to
day survival.
Unemployment benefits, social security, welfare, WIC, food stamps, medicare, medicaid, disability, income tax refunds for people who aren't paying
income tax, and on and on....
What if...this result was being orchestrated by the same people who also set up the
Guidestones or a group believing in similar ideals?
What if it was their plan to get as many people as possible to be entirely dependent on government?
And what if it was also their plan, on a predetermined date, to collapse the whole system? Imagine all of the institutions proping up the people who
are already the most vulnerable in our society collapsing at the same time.
The ensuing chaos and unrest would certainly start causing an untold number of deaths. It would also leave a majority of the population without a
means to support themselves and their family with basic needs (food, water, shelter, etc).
Suddenly the Guidestone maker's goal of 500 million humans left on the planet becomes more plausible. They wouldn't have to kill off the population
themselves, the population would kill themselves off for them. All they would need to do is weather the storm long enough for the "useless mouths"
to kill each other off, leaving the planet to the "elite" left behind.
It gave me a little chill when I thought of this....
I do not necessarily believe this is going to happen...but it did make me pause and think..and I can see how it could work out that way...