posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 08:27 PM
Recently I have come up with a possible way to create a (hot) fusion reactor, but the design is still pretty rough. Basically it consists of
surrounding a core of fsoin material with uranium rods to raise the temperature of the core. Also surrounding the core is a large electromagnet to
contain the fusion plasma, as well as pressurize it. Basically this kind of looks like the rssian tokomak (sp?) fusion reactor but without the donut
shape. The uranium rods are held in place around the core by the electromagnetic force, so if there is a failure of some sort they can be dropped out
of position to prevent a meltdown. The rods raise the temperature of the core as high as possible with melting down, and the pressure from the
electomagnet causes the fusoin materials to reach the necessary temperature. As soon as the fusion reaction starts the uranium rods are dropped by
turning the magnet off for a moment, then turning it back on. No, wait, that won;t work. Instead have a second magnet that holds the rods in place.
Like I said it's still rough and once I refine the design some more I'll post my drawings.
I recognize the potential danger of this design, namely it still is radioactive at the beginnning and could easily turn into a giant bomb instead of a
functioning powerplant.
NOTE: If anyone has some knowledge as to how current fusion reactors work please post so I may further refine my design or setermine that it own't