posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:22 AM
Ok, we all konw that the media is silent on certain topics and loud on other. Thats been konwn for a long time, especially here on ATS. However, its
goes on at some very low levels over very small things.
A few days ago, my friend start a college course on media studies. She was asked to make a magazine, do some interviews and such, basic intro into
journalism. So her group, who were all young men about 18, wrote down a list of ideas. They were your typical type of young people stuff: cars, video
game, pop music ect. She being a little older asked me for something a little more serious, a little more adult.
ok, no problem i thought. At the time we were both watching the news, and i suddenly had the idea, why not go wityh a discussion on the Marxist view
of the MSM? she liked my idea, i wrote down a few ideas, just 3 or 4 line worth and asked her to show her teacher.
well the next day she phoned me and said she was told, that the college did not think this was a good area for discussion, that it was too
contraversial and just to stick with what the others had suggested. Basically she was told under no circumstance to mention this in her mag and to
stay well clear of the idea.
but the teacher herself was not the one that disaproved, it was the colleges policy apparently?
even at such a low level it just shows how media is silenced and journalists are told what they can and cannot cover. It opened her eyes to what i had
been saying for a long time