Not many people know about the history of US and French interference in Libyan affairs.
One particular example is the
Chadian-Libyan Conflict between 1978 - 1987.
Gaddafi wanted to reclaim Chad as it was still under an indirect colonial rule under the French. With the defeat of Gaddafi's forces by largely US and
French interference, ended Gaddafi's expansionist projects toward Chad and his dreams of African and Arab dominance and reduced Western
I hope people are beginning to get a glimpse of the parallels to the Chadian interference by the US and France, and today's Libyan
Interference by NATO.
Now take a look at the Chadian and Libyan economic statistics from 2010:
GDP (nominal) per captita of Libya =
GDP (nominal) per capita of Chad =
The Government of Libya
heavily subsidizes rent and utilities. Well, before this year's Libyan Civil War anyway.
And what about Chad? Chad is
highly dependent on foreign assistance. Its principal donors include the European Union, France, and the
multilateral lending agencies.
Libya had the
highest living standards in Africa and was ranked 55th out of 172 countries (before NATO and Rebel
interference) according to the Human Development Index -
Today, Chad has one of the
lowest living standards ranking 166 out of 172 countries according to the Human development Index -
So basically, under the French influence (even after Chad's independence from France in 1960!), Chad remains to be the
7th poorest country in the
world, has
80% of the population living below the poverty line, and has a
huge debt which will probably never be paid.
What if Gaddafi controlled Chad and removed the French influence? Would Chad still remain the 7th poorest country in the
Now tell me, If France couldn't (or didn't) improve the lives of the Chadian people in the whole time they've
controlled and influenced Chad,
what hope is there for NATO and the UN to "improve" the lives of the Libyan People after Gaddafi is gone?
From here you can begin to see the true side of things - NATO intelligence agencies have been
false flagging attacks in their own countries
(like the Lockerbie Bombing) to put the blame and demonise Gaddafi over the years, so that they can pile up a
long list of lies to
justify a future war with Libya - which is taking place now, ofcourse.
Because Gaddafi wanted a
more independent Africa less dependent on Western Influence and Dominance, particularly from multinational
corporations who get tons of cheap labour there. I can't believe how many times I have stressed this around because people are still under the false
impression that Gaddafi was an "evil dictator" who "oppressed his people".
As we can now see the picture more clearly, it is becoming more obvious that we have yet another country down the drain in the long list of countries
NATO Governments have "tried to help".
edit on 31-8-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .