posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:33 AM
It saddens me when people use TV or Hollywood as an indicator of reality, its all about cash and ratings. Those in turn are based upon what the public
are finding interesting so with 2012 being such a thing on a lot of minds they spew out alien and end of world stuff at an alarming rate know those
with interest will go and see it.
Just look, one TV company puts an alien series out and suddenly its the number one ticket for ratings.
(That is until we realise just how awful they are)
You simply cannot trust TV to be giving you the whole story, all you can say for sure is that TV and cinema use a form of subliminal pointer and for
those who's minds are a little too open they use a direct battering of constant adverts to make you stimulated towards watching their new money
What you see on TV and film is what YOU wanted to see, there's no message of anything other than CASH and bums on seats in there.
Anything we as humans NEED to know will almost certainly NEVER be told to us as that's the power TPTB have over us, the idea they will give that away
in insane..