posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:23 PM
I think there is a lot more in the media than just a Government Disclosure Preparation Program. I think within media production is a massive
psychological operation that accomplishes at least several major strategic advantages of the government.
The Psychological Operation
The most major accomplishment of this psychological operation is the establishment of an advance psychological infrastructure. This a massive topic
and not an easy one to talk about because of its level of sophistication and very real effects it as on the individual an society. I will try to
explain. The media establishes the awareness of a a psychological infrastructure within the individual and society. This is like a massive program
that exists in the mind. It is complete with an understanding of different scenarios, simulations, personalities, roles, and also a system which lays
out algorithms of behaviours different structures of relationships (such as with other personalities, roles, authority, environments). What this
means is that there is a psychological system, a program in the subconscious mind, that has been prepared through the media for the government to
access in coordinating society.
Psychological Infrastructure
The program, a psychological system, allows the government through triggers, commands, symbols (in the appearance and character of government
authority) embedded in the media to invoke constructive trance like states. One simple example is the medias preparation of the individual for
behaviour and responses to national disasters, terrorism, threats of national security, threats of foreign nations, etc. The similarity of the
appearance of the government (characteristics, uniforms, symbols, tones of voice, visual and audio triggers) to the fictional government authority
portrayed in the media is the deep psychological triggering mechanism that commands the public to go into the state of mind conditioned by the media,
which is an example of a constructive and productive use of invoking a trance like state. The media creates programs for public response to different
scenarios, like different military training scenarios and war-game simulation, which the person is triggered to behave like he is in one of these
scenarios according to the regulations, protocol, and procedures laid out in the media for public response. Media, such as movies, "what if
terrorists do....", "what if such and such natural disasters occur...", "what if this or that kind of war...", "what if disease or biochemical
weapons outbreak", are "Scenario Simulations" that prepares the public to deal in orderly fashion, and prevent the great national threat of public
Cold War Era Nuclear Threat Media Conditioning
A major example of the benefit of this psychological infrastructure had been in the psychological preparation of society to handle and endure the
extreme stress, fears, insecurity, and panic during the Cold War of nuclear threat. If not for the media preparation of the public to psychological
treat the immobilizing fears of nuclear extinction society could not have functioned so smoothly in the light of the fear of nuclear destruction
An example of media being used in Government Disclosure Preparation can be as follows:
1) Use the media to create a dialogue of national threat to every day common people, explain complicated things the public is not use to
hearing or believing through examples in the media, movies, T.V. pop culture, media-verse dialogue.
2) Invoke trance like states to coordinate public behaviour in a constructive effective manner (using triggers from the media of government
authority putting the public into states of mind and behavior). Complicating directives, and commands from the government can be given to have the
public act in effective ways and mentalities. There may be different trance like states for different people in the society, i.e. emergency workers,
soldiers, police, school children, civillians:
When you hear the hypnotists snap his finger you dont have to act like a chicken, and it doesnt have to be the sound of fingers snapping. You can
be triggered to act like any role portrayed in the media in many different ways.
The idea from the psychology text books is that reflexive responses can be program and caused to be trigger by many senses. The less known fact,
and less believed, is that these reflexive responses can not only be very quick twitches, but also be extremely long behaviours and patterns
of behaviour that can be prolonged, controlled, and intensified through continuous administration of triggers.