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Alien Abductions - Was It Really The Cia?

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posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:30 PM
About 2 weeks ago I went for a walk and decided to stop at a cafe...that reminded me of something you would see in the 60' houses. I sat down...ordered my latte and looked out the window...people watching like most of us do. A tall older man walked in sat down at the table next to mine and said good morning...I returned the greeting....he said his name was Paul. We got into a conversation about politics....the next election etc. I told him that I was a member of ATS and I bragged about the's varied forums, debates etc.

He then asked me what I thought about alien abductions and if I thought they were real. I said that I thought many abductions were real. He then said many were not. That many of the so-called abducted people were really abducted by the (Cia -MK-Ultra division). That these people were experimented on by them....implanted with chips....and then implanted with memories of being abducted by Aliens from another that when they are returned....they have no memories of it really being humans that abducted them.

Now my question to all of you is....have you heard of this too? What do you think?

edit on 29-8-2011 by caladonea because: correction

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Yup, sounds exactly like the plot of the X-Files.


posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by caladonea

I read this same story or one very similar with a "Paul" about a month ago on these pages.
Can the OP vouch for not having put this story out earlier?

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Grey Magic

I didn't watch the X-Files....maybe I should have!

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by caladonea

Did you ask him how he knows this? Just curious, sounds like the plot of something off of a TV show. Never know though, our government does crazy stuff sometimes.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:38 PM
actually i wrote a thread about that Idea months ago, same thing crossed my mind! good to hear other people are considering the possibility.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Aliensun
reply to post by caladonea

I read this same story or one very similar with a "Paul" about a month ago on these pages.
Can the OP vouch for not having put this story out earlier?

I honestly didn't know there was another thread similar to the one I just told....and I joined this website at the end of April of this year and I only have this one account.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by billy197300
reply to post by caladonea

Did you ask him how he knows this? Just curious, sounds like the plot of something off of a TV show. Never know though, our government does crazy stuff sometimes. I didn't ask him...I guess I should have...but really I was not expecting someone to walk in where I was and tell me this...I am a friendly person by if someone talks to me I will respond. point is I was somewhat scared at the I sat and listened....

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:55 PM
I grew up knowing this girl that I went to school with that told me that she was abducted since being very young.. She still has these things happen to her and now she is 50 years old...She has said that she remembers everything they have done to her including all of the usual classic details...Her memory of it is always been non human entities doing it.. grey humanoid creatures..

If it really is the CIA doing this, then they really have a super huge and super secret program that is still continuing to this day, and none of them have ever been caught or even known.. if the CIA was doing them, or even many of these kidnappings, you would think that they would make more mistakes leading to some evidence against them..

From some stories about mk ultra, I have not heard of the alien abduction angle being linked to it before, but it sure is a possibility..

It seems there should be some professional group that has former black ops training and could use their own tools against them in a situation where they were hired to help someone that is having continuing abductions. Maybe there is some of these and they just aren't that well known about yet.. So far, no one has been able to help this friend of mine make the abductions stop, and she has learned to just deal with it and still enjoy life somehow..

I have tried to get her to conceal a derringer pistol on her person and suggested that she shoot one of them, but she is too afraid they might retaliate quite harshly.. She fears that more than the importance of making any statement to them, that what they are doing to her is not tolerable and deserves a harsh response..

I know for a fact that abductions do happen to people, but so far, no one has ever been caught and punished to my knowledge.. Can only hope someone gets lucky and puts some lead into the perpetrators eventually

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by caladonea

Hi, friend. I have heard this before, from two different people in two different states, both we "former" Company men, if there is such a thing as retirement from them. How I know these kinds of people are not anyone's concern, but I too was told that one of the "A" agencies was responsible for up to 90% of so called "abductions" in the past 30 years. Implants have been removed from a lot of people, and then there are things like the Robert Kennedy shooting, the King shooting, John Lennon shooting, Murrow Building bombing.....what was Timothy McVeigh's last request? Take the implant from my body????

I do think at first the Grays abducted people, but them humans got hold of the technology, and things got a lot worse after that. Terrible experiments that changed time and people forever, among other atrocities. I have said enough about this.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by caladonea

...theres tons of mk-ultra threads on here... type it into the search function - lots to read...

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by caladonea
I've heard of it all before but find it hard to believe because of issues of technology. MK-ULTRA was cancelled in the 60s and we didn't have anything like the ability to be chipping people. Even now, RFID technology isn't enough to control people.

The CIA-designed plans tended to aim for mind control through drugs, chemicals and brain-washing techniques. Worst thing about it all is that if Agencies in the West were doing it, everyone else was probably doing it. Also, although it's been discontinued, the type of personalities that thought it was for 'the greater good' to experiment and control people are still out there. By this, I mean certain types of people, given the opportunity, will cheerfully do awful things to others if they believe it's right.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I think we were led to believe that they ended in the 60's.....that is what they want us to believe....but I don't think they did end.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by caladonea
Not my cup of tea, it's a popular idea on ATS, but I don't think it happens. I say *think* because we don't know. Generally, I think these studies are freaks of a period. For example, mk-ultra was during the height of the Cold War when the US was paranoid and considering nuclear warfare.

The abduction field is way too disjointed to form conclusions from and even the researchers can't agree. They can't even agree if it's a good/bad thing.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 01:14 AM
I have herd of this many times.

One common place this has been discussed quite often is on Coast to Coast.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 01:58 AM
That is one hypothesis I see as highly likely. Being an "abductee" myself, I was sceptical of the idea at first, because I just don't usually get the super-powerful secret government conspiracies. But I was contacted by a researcher who held this hypothesis and was had some pretty strong evidence. He asked me for info on my own family, and I went asking questions and researching about them.

This guy was curious to know if any of my family had served in the military, because he was finding certain coincidences in the families of "abductees". I was surprised to find both of my grandfathers (maternal and paternal) were in the army, and probably stationed in New Mexico at the same time (where my mother was born).

One had been involved in some laboratory work there, which relatives say was "secret", but they claim he had a part in building the H-bomb. After leaving the army, he came out with a large amount of money that he used to create his own company in Calif., became a millionaire, and sold it to Lockheed -Martin right before his death. How he got that money is completely unknown by anyone in my family, under what circumstances he left the army is unknown, and I cannot figure out how a man who stopped school at fourteen and was a jazz musician ended up working in a laboratory!

The other grandfather, I cannot get any info on what he was doing in the army. Only that after leaving it, he also came to came to California, and was thereafter "weird". He had strong beliefs in psychic phenomenon, and was getting his family together each night to teach them of Edgar Cayce's readings and "psychic stuff." (-that's the most precise description I was able to pull from that family).

My mother had experiences that she had attributed to being drugged unwittingly (disappearing for days with no memory, waking up naked in her apartment confused). This was during the 60's in Watts, where she was young and living alone without contact with any family.... the kind of target that was often chosen in things like MKUltra.

But this researcher was particularly interested in the angle that experiments done at that time (50's, 60's) on some GI's had them actually following up on and continuing research on their children and grandchildren. (perhaps researching possible genetic affects passed on because of certain experiments?) His hypothesis was the same as you have posed here- that false memories of alien abduction were implanted in order to discredit the "abductees" and keep anyone from looking further into what had happened to them.

I no longer find this that unbelievable. Also an experience with a couple of a people who seemed to be government agents (along the Men in Black" type thing) made me suspicious as well.

I cannot say I firmly believe it, but I can say I see it as highly possible.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 02:17 AM
Some of the abductions are just too far in the past to be CIA. That and considering the phenomena is truly worldwide leads me to conclude that there are alien being's involved. That's not to say that the CIA is not using the alien abduction scenario as a cover for some devious psy op.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:31 AM
It's definitely on my list of possibilities. Not necessarily CIA but some establishment of "humans". When I hear about alien abduction, "boys and their toys" always springs to mind.

The biggest clue if it turns out to be a truth is probably THE GREYS.

Just look at how technology has advanced. We started off with black and white (grey) photography before we advanced to colour. Then we had black and white (grey) TV before we had colour. Maybe some man-made alien abductions began and are advancing the same way?

Look at the simplicity of the grey. Oval head, couple a dots for a nose, slit for mouth and two big eyes, then grey in colour, how very simple and plain. They're one step up from a stick-man drawing. Kinda along the same lines as 70s computer tennis.

Just a thought.

Here's an old thread where I asked about abduction with Jim Marrs. His response was interesting.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by caladonea

I have mentioned something similar a couple of times around here(in those "aliens are demons" threads),but the opinion was completely rejected so i gave up.

I strongly believe that most of the abductions(especially the ones that involve experiments) are conducted by humans.The fact that CIA makes them happen can explain the global phenomeno,since CIA agents are active in many countries.
Just this morning i was reading in a Greek news site,about the human experiments the americans conducted in Guatemala,in the 40's.5500 locals were part of experiments and 1300 of them were infected with syphilis and gonorrhea.It happened before so what makes us think that they ever stopped?They just got smarter and they cover their track better.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Phantom traveller

I agree with that, I´ve been thinking the same thing. Some authors have written about it too. Can´t be sure of course, but it´s plausible. It doesn´t mean, that I don´t believe extraterrestrial life or even that they might be visiting Earth, but abductions with experiments might be our own making. What´s better idea, than to make experiments with people as you will, erase memory or implant false memories about alien beings. Firstly - alien abduction is very sensitive area and most people fear riddicule if they speak about that, secondly there´s no proof and thirdly as one author wrote, some power circles use this to make world leaders believe, that we are threaten by aliens and thus invest a lot of money into military and god knows where. Btw, creating false memories is proven to be quite easy by using hypnosis.
I´ve been interested in direct contacts, there were surprisingly many stories of them in 50s and 60s. They are much different from abduction stories. It´s possible of course, that there are some races of aliens too, who make experiments and abduct people, but we sholud not exlude other possibilities either. I´m sure our own technology has already gone quite far and there definitely are certain power-circles who doen´t care about anything besides their own interests.

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