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An Open Letter to Extraterrestrials

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posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 08:04 AM

As I feel fairly certain you already know, we're having a few major problems down here on planet Earth, recently.

Here's the nature of our problem. Although we don't quite understand how this happened, we're currently ruled by the 5% or so of our population, that are inherently neurologically (and I believe spiritually) psychopathic. One of you actually spoke to us through a woman called Carla Rueckert back in the early 80s, and told us about a moral/energetic polarity called Service to Self, so I'm sure you'll recognise the types we're talking about.

We don't know how to overcome this problem. We really don't have any idea of what to do. I'm not remaining completely idle; I'm going to be doing a course relating to environmental reclamation in September, and I've also joined a local group of people who are focused on trying to improve our environmental situation.

I also get the feeling that some of you are genuinely, frantically trying to communicate with us about how to solve this problem. We're not very good at listening, and even those of us who are trying to hear you are having problems. We live in a very materialistic, left-brained society, and most of us become deaf to unconventional forms of contact at around the age of 18 or so.

Our real crisis, is that it at least feels as though only somewhere between 1-5% of the global population actively cares about our current situation, and is trying to do something about it. The rest are either apathetic, or at times even defend/justify the psychopaths in charge, and tell us that we're being irrational, and that there's nothing to worry about because everything is fine.

There's another problem, as well. We have one country down here, called America, with a particularly evil government. Said government is, in one way or another, the ultimate source of most of our species' current problems. Said government is also actually planning, according to some sources, to manufacture a fake incident which will make the less intelligent of us believe that you have attacked our planet. I'm not going to believe that myself, because even though I've had bad experiences with some of you before, (I'm fairly sure I'm an abductee) I've read enough to believe that some of you are genuinely benevolent and peaceful, as well. I even managed to forgive the group that abducted me, and work through that experience, thanks to some information channelled by another group of you.

If there is any way that you can, that you aren't trying already, then if you are willing, I am earnestly asking you for help. We would particularly like to hear from any of you who possibly have a similar ancient history to ours, who maybe went through a process like this at one point, that we could learn from.

I understand that we need to be responsible for our own growth, so I'm not asking for you to do it for us; I know we need to do it ourselves. We do, however, really need guidance. Those of us who are not psychopathic or STS really do not want to become extinct, and we don't want all the animals to become extinct, either. We just don't know how to stop the people who *are* doing it; and we don't want to use violence against them, because we know that that is non-loving, non-spiritually evolved, and ultimately won't help.

Thank you for listening.
edit on 29-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 08:08 AM
Thanks for the open letter human.

I read it with much sorrow in my heart.

One day we aliens will come down, and explain it all to you humans, our master plan.

As i type this on this old fashioned computer, my brothers are catching a ride on a big planet heading towards earth right now!!

Soon, soon it will all be revealed........


posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by petrus4

As I feel fairly certain you already know, we're having a few major problems down here on planet Earth, recently.

Recently?!?!?!?!? You must know nothing about history and think that these modern times are even worse than before....but modern communication (such as the internet) has fed you with up to date information on the world's atrocities. Things that have been going on since the BEGINNING OF MAN. I shudder to think about what folks like you would freak out about if the internet was around to "educate" you on current affairs since the bc times. You would have been crying that the world is going to end any day and that the "aliens" watching us would have saved us or we wouldn't be here by now...

Before I comment on the rest of your post, can you counter that one simple argument and give me a reason to even read further?

Here's the nature of our problem. Although we don't quite understand how this happened, we're currently ruled by the 5% or so of our population....

Wow, and that has changed since recorded history how? I mean, you do understand human history, right? To make this post, you must, if not your going to demonstrate modern uflogy ignorance, and I know you don't want to be a part of that. But yeah.....times suck right now for sure, I wont argue that. Save us jeebus!!!!!!! Or aliens....or whatever the feeble minded need to use a a crutch to live in these modern times. Thank goodness you don't live back in the day, you would have committed suicide by now based on the world's collective suffering, lol.

and I've also joined a local group of people who are focused on trying to improve our environmental situation.

Thank goodness....the world needs more earth hippies. Did it ever occur to you that your environmental orgasm would not be necessary if you dealt with the REAL social issues that allowed your precious environment to get RAPED? No? Not a surprise. But by lending your concern to a moment that is filled with IGNORANT morons, you are wasting your time. Wasting it on a symptom, and not the cure. Get mad at what I say all you want, but I am 100% correct. An OUNCE of PREVENTION is worth a POUND of CURE. Are you working on the cure, or wasting your time trying to "prevent" a symptom. If anything, your environmentalist folks are creating an environment where it still happens, but people report it less and less due to the infiltration of money and power. But you lack the intelligence to see the big picture, and think showing your "boobs" to "save the whales" is ever going to make a difference. I have never met an environmentalist with a real head on their shoulders yet, even though I agree with most of them. They embarrass me. I don't expect an intelligent answer, but no matter, reality proves your incorrect answer wrong. It's called history, those too ignorant enough to heed it, repeat it. You don't understand government and social history, so your wasting your time (even though you intentions are pure gold, I'll admit that). Even a child who touched a burner once doesn't do so again, I wonder why most adults forget that simple lesson, maybe because it involves using their brain.

I also get the feeling that some of you are genuinely, frantically trying to communicate with us about how to solve this problem.

So do billions of religious people that see the virgin mary in tree bark. How are you any different? Lemme guess, you read something on the internet or had a dream related "vision"? How is that any different from the billions that believe in some absurd invisible man? The aliens are laughing at you right now.

We're not very good at listening

Your not from Earth, are you? Nobody here knows how to listen. They are too blinded by belief.

I could go on with the rest of your post, but it would be a waste. You will blast me for it, and the legions of folks that choose to believe in the absurd will continue to send me idiotic U2U's stating how wrong I am, and "here's the proof as to why" crap (I often wonder why the idiots that send me U2U's stating how much of an a$$hole I am and they have proof to back them up never post it....LOL) But I will be here in the next twenty years or so, and again, point out how absurd this crap is. Where will you be? Lemme guess, living on broad some craft learning the secrets of the universe? Many people in the 70's, 80's and 90's thought the same thing....funny how they don't really show their faces any more?

I shudder to think that your average Joe, whose interest might be titillated by some minor msm story, will stumble upon information like this thread (and MILLIONS of others) and write this subject off as nonsense...another cog in the machine lost forever, a cog that we desperately need right now.

PR is never on the forefront of any believer's mind. I guess they think by spewing the absurd they will "force" the truth eventually. If i told you that by holding on to your thoughts, true or not, and relating only the most sane items for the next 15 years you would create an environment where you wildest dreams are now possibility? Think you could do that that for us? NO, well then, keep doing what your doing and then people that search the internet will find stuff like this, laugh, then leave. Those that don't laugh and leave actually are the type that add ot the problem, and we are trying NOT to attract them right now........

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:21 AM
is this a letter or a prayer to ETs?

OP build the ets a shrine.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Greetings earthling,

We think your planet is the toilet of the galaxy and feel you are of no use to us, however should you continue your development of nuclear weapons, we will terminate your puny existence

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Please don't confuse the normal people with those just because they are open minded for a possibility ETs exist.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:28 AM

You just wrote a very bad letter to aliens, and proceeded to post it on the internet. I personally can't stop laughing, and really hope this is a joke. If not, tell me how you think the aliens will find your post. I certainly hope you do not become the ambassador for our species.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Domo1

You just wrote a very bad letter to aliens, and proceeded to post it on the internet. I personally can't stop laughing, and really hope this is a joke. If not, tell me how you think the aliens will find your post. I certainly hope you do not become the ambassador for our species.

Worth repeating (since my reply was lost in the latest 404 shuffle).

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by petrus4

After reading your letter, my response too ET, would be to ask them to get me off-planet in a hurry; and if ET read your letter i'm sure that they would do likewise.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 04:33 PM


posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by petrus4

As I feel fairly certain you already know, we're having a few major problems down here on planet Earth, recently.

Here's the nature of our problem. Although we don't quite understand how this happened, we're currently ruled by the 5% or so of our population, that are inherently neurologically (and I believe spiritually) psychopathic. One of you actually spoke to us through a woman called Carla Rueckert back in the early 80s, and told us about a moral/energetic polarity called Service to Self, so I'm sure you'll recognise the types we're talking about.

We don't know how to overcome this problem. We really don't have any idea of what to do. I'm not remaining completely idle; I'm going to be doing a course relating to environmental reclamation in September, and I've also joined a local group of people who are focused on trying to improve our environmental situation.

I also get the feeling that some of you are genuinely, frantically trying to communicate with us about how to solve this problem. We're not very good at listening, and even those of us who are trying to hear you are having problems. We live in a very materialistic, left-brained society, and most of us become deaf to unconventional forms of contact at around the age of 18 or so.

Our real crisis, is that it at least feels as though only somewhere between 1-5% of the global population actively cares about our current situation, and is trying to do something about it. The rest are either apathetic, or at times even defend/justify the psychopaths in charge, and tell us that we're being irrational, and that there's nothing to worry about because everything is fine.

There's another problem, as well. We have one country down here, called America, with a particularly evil government. Said government is, in one way or another, the ultimate source of most of our species' current problems. Said government is also actually planning, according to some sources, to manufacture a fake incident which will make the less intelligent of us believe that you have attacked our planet. I'm not going to believe that myself, because even though I've had bad experiences with some of you before, (I'm fairly sure I'm an abductee) I've read enough to believe that some of you are genuinely benevolent and peaceful, as well. I even managed to forgive the group that abducted me, and work through that experience, thanks to some information channelled by another group of you.

If there is any way that you can, that you aren't trying already, then if you are willing, I am earnestly asking you for help. We would particularly like to hear from any of you who possibly have a similar ancient history to ours, who maybe went through a process like this at one point, that we could learn from.

I understand that we need to be responsible for our own growth, so I'm not asking for you to do it for us; I know we need to do it ourselves. We do, however, really need guidance. Those of us who are not psychopathic or STS really do not want to become extinct, and we don't want all the animals to become extinct, either. We just don't know how to stop the people who *are* doing it; and we don't want to use violence against them, because we know that that is non-loving, non-spiritually evolved, and ultimately won't help.

Thank you for listening.
edit on 29-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

You go for it mate - let the negs on the thread fall to the wayside, the ETs are listening. They want more of this - more humble, gentle, kind, selfless thoughts from us all. I don't care if I am considered a nut or a loon for understanding and agreeing with people like you - because people like you are putting it out there and you are the true braves of this time.

Chin up and thank you for your message!

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:02 AM
Wait- You're expecting an ET to log on to, check the alien forum and see your letter?

Dude, everybody knows that aliens only use the Internet for Facebook.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 01:37 AM
Dear ET,

Tourists are expected to contribute something--spend money, do voluntary clean-up, pitch in when some disaster strikes (or prevent it if they have the ability)--something, not stay in their vehicles, take a free look around, and be on their way, shaking their heads in judgment of the dumb locals.

Primitive hyumaan

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