posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Hello all, sorry if this is kinda long, but please read the whole thing. This is a thread just to see if anyone has any ideas about what happened to
me and my girlfriend last night. Around 11:00 last night me and my girlfriend were heading to an open field in the middle of nowhere to do some
stargazing, it was a nice dark night with nothing at all around us, not even any tall vegetation in the field. We were out of the car looking at the
stars for a while but we got tired of the bugs and decided to get inside, we were talking for a while and, well, we started kissing...we moved to the
backseat to continue making out, we were fully clothed and she gets into my lap facing me....while we are kissing we see a bright flash of pure white
light! I decided it was nothing and we should just continue kissing, but she was freaked out, we stayed the way we were waiting to see if it would
happen again, it didn't. She calmed down a little and we start kissing again, and the flash happen again! In total we say the flash 5 times, we
looked everywhere inside the car and outside to see if someone was taking pictures of us or for anything else that might have made the
flash...nothing. First flash looked like it came from the glove box, then it looked like it came from my girlfriend's back onto the back of the
front passenger seat, couldn't tell what direction 2 of them came from, the last was at the ceiling of the car and what seemed like outside on top of
the car. I got a good look at one of the lights on the passenger seat, it was what looked like a white diffuse laser and lasted a second and a half,
much longer than a camera flash. All of these "flashes" seemed to originate from maybe an inch to two inches from the glass on the inside of the
Does anyone have any idea what this may have been? Thank you all for your time.