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The government could take advantage of us?

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posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:32 AM
I wonder could there be a government organization out there now, that is waiting for some natural or man made disaster that they could use to take advatage of us with? For instance if there was a mass population problem and a volcano erupted, which wasn't as deadly, and probably could only spread from California to Nevada but the governmant saying it will spread to Illinois. So they kill everyone from California to Illinois and hide it all up to control the population...

Do you think a organization out there could be waiting for something like this for what ever purpose they want to use it for?

Read this short story by ats member its what made me think of such an organization...
edit on 28-8-2011 by KingUsbeorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by KingUsbeorn

It is completely possible for some group to be waiting to take advantage of some disaster to kill off a lot of us. But it is way more likely to use some type of disaster to take more of our rights away. As far as killing off everyone from Cali to Illinois its a good thing I'm in eastern Kentucky

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:09 AM
What rights though would be destined to be taken away? if even people would allow for such a thing I think a huge resistance would take place.
edit on 28-8-2011 by KingUsbeorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 07:36 AM
I would think, given today's circumstances, that the catalyst for such an event would be world economic collapse. If you think about it, if the world's economies collapsed, the devastation would be far worse than that of the great depression. Things like food, water, basic needs like electricity and fuel would become very sought after commodities. The only way to stem looting would be to enact martial law. For those who have promulgated anarchy and revolution, I would think they would be on the list for some sort of internment camp. The government would view these people as threats and the ones who could lead a revolution.

The only other scenario would be a pandemic, possibly triggered by a government developed super bug getting out into the populace. Something akin to the black plague. With the threat of death, and a lack of medical intervention I think the population would just go berserk. People would begin killing others who they felt were infected, just to protect themselves and their family. Isolation would be the rule of the day and anyone that threatened it would be susceptible to being killed. This would also lead to "quarantine" zones, or FEMA camps.

Everyone would be rounded up and screened, and the only way to effectively do either scenario would be to eliminate the ability for mass communication. If people could not communicate, then the military complex would have free reign to do as it wished without the knowledge of the general populace.

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