posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 11:21 AM
These stories have been around for years and for good reason. They have been related in one form or another by people of at least two and probably
three generations. Combined with the geologic data (providing that it can be verified), these rumors and tales become at least marginally
I have visited Hawthorne, NV on numerous occasions and at all times of the year. I lived in Fallon, NV from 1996 to 1998 and Hawthorne was a pleasant
drive or motorcycle ride to the south through mostly unspoiled desert scenery on a wide-open two lane highway.
The Army weapons storage facility there is almost unbelievably huge. Located in gently rolling hills, the ammunition bunkers stretch literally as far
as the eye can see for miles along the highway. If you continue south through the town itself, and after a few more miles of bunkers, you will see a
miniature submarine sitting along the lefthand side of the road marking a narrow two-lane paved road. Approaching the "sub" you see that it has been
crudely crafted from what appear to be WWII vintage torpedo parts. You also see the small sign announcing the Naval Underwater Weapons Center. Both
the "sub" and the sign are a source of humor to the locals.
By day, there really is not much to see. At night, however, the storage facility and the Navy installation are more interesting. The endless miles
of bunkers are dark. Driving south toward Hawthorne at night gives the illusion of approaching a much larger city. As you get closer to the town
itself you see that Hawthorne is a bright spot at the edge of the base. The lighted area of the facilities merge into one giant "city" in the center
of which, off to the east, is the Secure area. This is a square approximately 1/2 mile on a side and which appears to be 3 to 4 miles off the road
lit like a football field. Inside this area all that can be seen are some non-descript buildings.
Local gossip ranges from nukes, chemicals and/or biologicals to secret tunnels. Who knows?
One thing is for sure, there is something at Hawthorne that commands that level of security. Could it be the entrance to some sort of secret
underground/underwater facility? Again, who knows?
S & F for a thought provoking thread.
edit on 28-8-2011 by Tholidor because: Grammar