A belated "Hello" 2 ATS people!
Ive been around a little while but never bothered with an introduction. I figured nobody really gave a (@*s!#) about me anyway. ( I am not really
pretending to be new I am just finally introducing myself)
I live in the great state of Utah in the USA.....and enjoyed the winter OLYMPICS when they were here. I've been to Area 51 and tryed to see what I
could see, but saw nuttin really.
I lived in Green River Utah for 8 years, running a Bed & Breakfast Inn. I saw SO MUCH military activity around the area that I got freeked out. I saw
real MIBS in Green River,(wrote about it on a thread here) and lots of stealthy black helicopters. I saw VERY odd things flying in the skys about the
Green River area. Dam spooky place for sure. Glad I moved!
I am a profesional River Guide of the Green and the Colorado Rivers. I am a self professed ski bum. I was married for 9 years but am now divorced,
and am raising an 11 yr old boy mostly on my own now. He seams to be a genious but that could just be my opinion. He looks like a tiny Robert Redford.
I worked in the film industry MANY years prior to having my son, now I am a mom instead of a film gypsie.
I am 41 yrs old, play the guitar and the banjo, and flute, but I dont read music. I seam to be numerically dyslexic and that goes for musical symbols
as well, and numbers get jumbled up on me quite easy. I am an amature archiologist, and visit many MANY ancient native American living sites. I will
hike for miles and miles to look at archaic rock art. I dont think I look like Stevie Nicks...I think SHE looks like me. I am a green eyed
I have a liberary of books and am always reading ~SOMETHING~.
I am a 'slider' person who effects street lights, and electronic devices. I am very empathic....and wish I was practiced in the art of OOBE.(I am
working on that) I love to study the metaphysical, and paranormal.
This site is my source for news.
Sometimes I try and make an occaisonal 'friend' on this site, when I feel a connection or comonalities. ~HELLO~ 2 my friends! as well as my many
future friends.....and even ~HELLO~ 2 you grumpy people as well!
Ok, now I feel introduced right and proper!