posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 04:02 AM
Some aspects of inconsistency make me think this may be a possible explanation for how the universe works. Many times it seems rather pointless if
it's not a game. But then it would also reveal "the epic troll god" is in charge. Google that meme if you haven't already. (The devil or whatever
you'd want to call it is just the one and same holding up a different mask while saying "No, it's not me! I hate that other guy!"
that kind of power, stirring up a false dichotomy to create drama would be ridiculously easy.)
Of course you'd argue that you could do better. That you'd be much more fair and benevolent... However...
I've played the Sim City games, and I've seen others play as well. We'll be doing everything to make our sims thrive... But then... Then...
Boredom creeps in.
You know how it goes from there.
Chaos, disruption, destruction, it's all part of the fun. It wouldn't be as entertaining if those options weren't there. People that honestly and
wholeheartedly claim to love their sims can be ultimately cruel. Afterall, it's not real and what are the consequences?
Now imagine that with seemingly infinite time to screw around with.
The idea about reality being a simulation also leaves me wondering whether there's any map-hacks, 'sploits, and stuff like buffer overflows that we
could make use of. Can we tweak our own stats and variables in ways not intended in normal gameplay? Is there anything that can be done to break the
sandbox in some regard? (If your own sim started making up its own rules - would you keep playing in order to see what the heck it does, or would you
consider it corrupted and do a re-install?) Also how locked down is the game for the one that may be playing it, if indeed there is an ultimate
player? Would source code and debug mode be available for the one supposedly in charge?
This is why I think the universe is a funny place. I can only laugh when pondering these kinds of things.