posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:50 PM
I have been around for some time now (ATS always seems to have the news before everybody else,) and I have finally made it to the 20 post minimum! I'm
not entirely sure if I have followed the exact guidelines of posting a new thread and the forum to which it belongs; so mods, please feel free to let
me know if I have done anything wrong. Since this is my first thread, I want to keep it light and fun. I recently stumbled upon this video and thought
I should share it with fellow ATSers considering the nature of the video. I couldn't find how to imbed this video since it isn't YouTube or Google, so
I posted a link. Remember, I'm just trying to have some fun with my first thread. This shouldn't offend anybody, but if you so happen to find any
offense, please, loosen your tinfoil cap a little for me on 26-8-2011 by Arrrr because: (no reason given)