posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 04:36 PM
As the founder of this website and the person with absolute authority over this website, I hope that you will trust in what I have to say:
This message board has administrators and moderators for a purpose, to maintain control of the smooth running of the software itself, and to keep a
level of control over the members using it.
I know the term "control over the members" sounds very dictatorial, but it makes sense. Over the past year this message board has experienced a
tremendous increase of hacking attempts and spamming of the board itself by people who have no purpose here but to cause chaos.
Without anyone controlling the board, this would lead to the closure of the board itself, not to mention everyone who can't stand the moderators
begging for such people to help keep the attackers under control.
This topic has been positioned primarily against moderators who remove posts and ban other members. If you wish to read the Terms and Conditions which
everyone agrees to when becoming a registered user, these are the terms for deleting threads and removing people who break these terms.
Those people who are banned are contacted before so, with reason as to why they are risking their membership here. We are able to recognise people who
re-register with different names and e-mail addresses, so when they start up their previous actions under a different name we can take immediate
The administrators and moderators on this board are generally some of the very first people who ever posted here, and with whom I have gained great
trust. In the past people have gone from moderator status to administrator status, but also from moderator status back to member status. Even the
moderators aren't "above the law."
In the end though, if you aren't happy posting and reading topics here, everyone does have the option to leave.