Something else to consider, for those of you experiencing flashes indoors, is the new energy saver
cfl bulbs.
I have these all over my house, and a couple tend to flash brightly every so often.
I'm not sure if this is because they are getting old or what..maybe it's the gases in the bulbs reacting to something else in the room, I don't
know for sure.
As mentioned before, photopsia can account for many of the "only for a split second" pinpoint of light, crescented or spherical flashes of light in
extreme cases. (However, if these last for any length of time, they will track with the movement of the eye.)
Iv'e no doubts about the paranormal tho.
I have seen full bodied apparitions of people. They can drop instantly into the floor/wall.
Orbs are a real thing to, and (I know this sounds like photopsia, but it isn't) pencil thick streaks of light.
Looks like a penlight, but Iv'e seen it draw shapes in the blink of an eye. One was a door shaped rectangle that was then filled in with the pen
light in a scribble fashion.
This appeared on the wall next to me for a split second; not quite in direct sight, but not all the way into the side of my vision either.
(I used to get migrains, and have retnal seperation, so I am very familiar with the effects of photopsia.)
Iv'e seen several shadow orbs, and they range in size from marble size to the largest which was about a foot or two in diameter. It was actually more
of an oval shape.
These are not floaters in the eye.
These things do not track with your eye movement. They move of thier own accord, and I have to track
Iv'e only seen a light orb once.
It appeared on the shelf of a bookcase in my room one night.
The room was dark, and this orb was quite bright for its size.
(about golf ball size. A white light with blue in it.)
It moved across the shelf, and passed through some books on the other end. The light dimmed out as it passed through each book, then returned to full
strength as it reached the other side of the book. It passed through about 4 books this way, then disappeared...
It was a few minutes after the light orb that I saw the penlight shapes. Three of them...
The first I didnt notice any particular shape to. The second pin light was shaped like an x and the third was very noticably a rectangle filled
I forgot to mention that this occured the night after the evening I saw a four foot hooded
shadow being in the same bedroom, so I think they are very much