posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals
Yeah, We went kayaking down the James and planned to get out past Mt Anthos, but a bad storm had come up and so we got off on the shore right at BWX
and within two minutes there were 8 men on us, asking us who we were and what we were doing there. I said, Man we are a bunch of hippies floatin the
dang river. LOL I was in a dang bikini and draging a kayak behind me, what did they think I was doin? HAHA! Sucks in a way cause I have middle
eastern last name (by marriage), so they were eyeing us. LOL
I have heard a bunch of people talking about the black bears around town. Makes me wonder why they are crosssing the roads and going into
neighborhoods...lack of food? I am really across the river in "hogtown" against my will for course, lol, but we have seen an increase in fox and
cyotes just coming on up to the house like a pet. Anyway, now that we are way off topic......
The measels is NOT big deal, and it's annyoung that people keep talking about it like a pandemic. Also, The story about the measels on the train is
OLD news.... and it goes, Measels, Earthquake, Hurricane..... HAHA