posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 01:55 PM
Originally posted by KKing123
no, they aren't the same, and personally, i dont disagree with him being banned, i disagree with the WAY he was banned, i think it should be a
collective decision
You are wrong, primarily due to a lack of information.
Papa was Tyler, a rogue member who has been twice banned. After a long cooling off, Tyler was allowed back. He was fine for a while, but some people
find it impossible to mature, not matter what. In December, Tyler's activity required repeated attention from the moderators in deleting his posts
and/or warning him to stop abusing members. He couldn't stop... he was banned again.
Now Tyler returns as Papa Karlo and the same activity that caused his banning in the past begins to return. I knew PK was Tyler, but waited to see how
he'd act. Know we know how he chose to act.
No one's forcing you to stay here King, if you prefer a forum where abuse, threats, and general mayhem rule the day, I'm sure our members can help
you find a suitable new online home.