Hello all (or whoever actually reads this).
I'm "new" here, as far as posting goes. i've been coming to ATS for a long time now but never really felt the need to comment or post. I figured that
I'd finally give it a shot.
For my taste there are a few too many deepers around these parts. What i mean is, people who are so deep into the conspiracy stuff that they take it
all as fact, yet dismiss rational thought as "disinformation" or worse. To me, that is a little creepy. But there are also tons of really bright and
thoughtful people posting and it is with those folks i wish to discuss/debate.
I've been into "weird" stuff all my life, for lack of a better word. When i was a child i would go to the library and take out stacks of books on
mysteries, ghosts, the paranormal et al. and, unlike so many other "obsessions" in my life,my love of the strange and bizarre has never left me. I'm
afraid I am terminally curious.
for the record though, I don't believe in the following:
Chem trails/HAARP
Elenin (being Nibiru or a brown dwarf)
9/11 conspiracies
brainwashing/programming (well, at least not the crazy stories people tell about their obviously scarred childhoods that a trip to the therapist would
help far more than a rambling ATS post. I'm sure there could be actual b&p but I find most of the first hand reports read like the DSM-IV-TR.)
If someone could give me substantiated proof. actual physical proof on any of these subjects i'd be more inclined to believe them, but as it stands I
call it all horse hockey.
Oh, and generally the stuff about the NWO/Illuminati. Mainly because so much ridiculous garbage has been written on the subject. There may be some
kernel of truth there but it's been effectively buried under a mountain of paranoia, poorly made youtube videos, incorrectly reported info and
trolling that i find it a tough pill to swallow.
I'm willing to change my tune on any of these. But, again, The proof is in the pudding.
It's a pretty short list, but one I'm sure to catch some hell over.
Anyway, now that I've alienated half of you...
Glad to be on ATS finally. I hope i can contribute to the conversation.
edit on 08/25/2011 by MuchTooSerious because: typos