posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 07:28 AM
Our Earth is constantly undergoing many changes at all levels. Most of these changes occur so slowly from our perspective that they are hardly
noticeable and hence negligible. The continental drift is one such example. Millions of years ago, most of the present continents were all clustered
together near the poles, which later began to drift away from each other. This drift continues even to this day, with the landmasses moving at the
rate of a few millimetres per year.
Some changes are more dramatic and happen relatively quickly at the turn of Yugas, or during events like Galactic Alignments or entry into the Photon
Belt. Within a short period, the landscapes and water-bodies shift, entire species go extinct and new life-forms appear and thrive. Even the weather
patterns the Higher Intelligence as a part of the transformational processes.
We are in the middle of such an Earth change where many dramatic transformations have been initiated to help us sail us through to a New Age. These
processes that began in 1987 were happening slowly and were still in their infancy. A major boost was given to these Earth Change processes on 1st
January 2007 and since then, the pace of transformation has increased.
The events of 2012 will further accelerate these changes, which culminate when we fully enter the New Light Age.
Our world is facing major challenges and changes in every area. We can observe these shifts happening at the individual, societal and global
Millions are affected by earthquakes, floods and other natural calamities all over the world. Many others are facing the heat of terrorism, wars,
political dictatorship and denial of their rights. Although the politicians and economists assure us otherwise, we are yet to recover from the
financial meltdown and its effects on our individual and collective economy. The environmental degradation has hit a new low with the recent oil
spills and nuclear radiation leak across the globe. There are new scams every other day, exposing the corruption and low standards of our governments
and self-centred leaders. All these things make it evident that they are not equipped to guide or lead us ahead in these turbulent times. In addition,
there are mass movements in different parts of the globe, where people are coming together to demand their rights and protest against the injustice of
the systems which benefit only a few.
All these challenges and turbulences happening at the same time all over the world indicate that we are in the middle of a massive churning process.
This process is a part of a bigger reality, a shift from one age to another. This shift will result in visible changes in different areas in the days
to come. Our Earth, which is a living, breathing entity participates in these changes, along with the Higher Intelligence which monitors and guides
all these shifts.
In this background, 2012 plays an important role in this shift because, by then, the negativity in individuals and systems will totally be exposed!
New energies that were anchored recently on our earth are working at different levels to bring out the true nature in everyone. Such an exposure will
accelerate as we move ahead towards 2012.
Henceforth, many changes will occur on our Earth at the physical level itself. These changes will also affect many systems which define human life on
this planet. Some of these changes are as follows:
Hardly a day goes by when we do not read about a major Natural Calamity in some part of the world. These disasters have increased sharply over the
past few years. Tsunamis, cyclonic hurricanes and floods have ravaged several parts of the world, while famines and earthquakes have claimed lives and
livelihood in other parts. There is a sharp increase in seismic activity all over the globe. Many dormant volcanoes are becoming active. There are
unusual weather patterns: some places have witnessed snowfall for the first time, while some others have observed acid rains and cloudbursts.
All these are part of the churning processes which play an important role in the individual transformations. In the face of calamities and disasters,
the artificial securities of money and power collapse — the rich and poor, powerful and commoners are all rendered equally helpless. These events
corner people and make them realise the transient nature of many things that they consider valuable in their otherwise comfortable existence.
In their helplessness, many turn to God or turn inwards to re- evaluate their priorities. This is when they start to open up. The Higher Intelligence
which monitors these processes will help by providing new energies and educating the individuals at a different level, to pass through the
Such calamities also bring out the goodness that is inherent in everyone. A lot of unity and sharing can be witnessed among those who are affected by
these events. The events also bring out more love and accommodation in them. Many times, the warring nations forget their differences and extend a
helping hand to each other in the time of natural disasters.
These calamities also play an important role in destroying Evil. Many places on Earth harbour dark forces like terrorist organizations and drug
cartels. The destruction occurring at such places wipes them out and helps in removing the negative forces from our Earth. Such activities will
increase in the coming years. And if a person is transformed and tuned to divine will, he will not be affected by any of these calamities. Even if he
is in the middle of a flood or an earthquake, he will pass through it easily.
A lot of changes are expected in the geographical configuration of Earth in the coming years. With the increase in global warming and melting snow
caps at the poles, many areas at sea-level will submerge and new land forms will rise. There is a possibility of the Himalayan Mountain range going
under ocean, though all these will occur much later. Our Earth has gone through the Ice Age many times and right now, we are at the brink of such an
event. The main reason for this event is to destroy many areas which have a lot of dark energies.
This process will most likely be initiated after 2015, by which time most of humanity would have chosen the Light Age, and hence will be able to go
through this period with less impact. In the regions between the poles and the Tropics (North Pole and Tropic of Cancer, South Pole and Tropic of
Capricorn), the warm and cold ocean currents will reverse direction. As a result, those areas will completely be covered with Ice.
With the upper and lower portions of the globe filled with ice, Life will exist only in the central equatorial belt region of our Earth! The duration
of this Ice Age is not yet revealed at this point in time.
One important theory is that our Earth will stop its rotation for a period of 3 days and then begin to rotate in the clockwise direction. The Sun will
begin to rise in the west and set in the east. This will also lead to a change in the magnetic field of the Earth.
The other theory is that after the Earth stops, there will be a physical flip and the North Pole of the Earth becomes the South Pole, after which the
Earth begins to rotate in the clockwise direction. This pole shift will be triggered by the events and alignments that occur towards the end of
There is a good possibility of the occurrence of these events. Rishis say that unless and until humanity chooses and tunes to Light, such drastic
changes will be allowed to occur to bring in the necessary changes. For these changes to take place, Gaia will do a self-cleansing. Sadly, most of
those who do not align themselves with Light and its Principles will perish during these events.
Many important activities occur in the small period when our Earth stands still. All the old energies of the Dark Age can be removed totally and a
100% cleansing can occur in that duration. This enables many new Souls to take birth here. Also, the Rishis will be installing many new gadgets on our
Earth in that period, which will hasten up the transformative processes later on. At the individual levels, a major cleansing will happen and the
newer, higher energies available in that duration will enable everyone to make a great spiritual shift.
A change in rotation of our Earth is expected to happen at some stage for many spiritual reasons. With a clockwise rotation, there will be more Light
and positivity on our Planet and the dark forces will not be able to survive those conditions. By the time this change of rotation occurs, if humanity
transforms on a large scale, the event will be a smooth one and without much chaos.
Such an event will also bring about a change in the magnetic field of the Earth resulting in many other occurrences. There are possibilities of
violent storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions leading to a lot of destruction and chaos. Like the geographic pole shift, the magnetic pole shift
also depends on the transformation of Humanity.
Our Earth’s Electromagnetic Field pulsates at a particular frequency between Earth’s surface and the outer layer of the atmosphere. This frequency
is called as Schumann’s resonance. It’s also called as Gaia’s heartbeat. This was discovered by scientists when they observed that astronauts
who spent extended time in outer space, away from the influence of these electromagnetic pulses, became distressed and disoriented.
The frequency of Schumann’s resonance was 7.8 Hz during the 5000-years period of the Dark Age. It was increased slowly from 1987 as a result of
which many Earth change processes were initiated. On 23rd September 2010, when the size of the Earth was increased by the Rishis by a few millimetres,
this resonance was increased to 15 Hz. It is expected to peak at 22.82 Hz in the New Light Age.
The increased frequency of Schumann’s resonance also allows the suppressed negativities in individuals to surface. They help everyone to open up to
higher realities. With a combination of other factors, they also help in sharpening of the inner faculties. We are connected to Mother Earth through
this vibration. It helps us to communicate with her. This frequency increases as we move into an age of higher values and purity. At that high
frequency, the Earth will be able to hold newer energies and knowledge. It will also allow new souls from other Universes to take birth on this
The combined effect of all these changes will affect human life to a very great extent. The events of 2012, the flip of poles and the geographic
changes will lead to many natural disasters. These result in a breakdown of the existing systems across the world. An important factor is the peaking
of solar activity post 2012, which has the capacity to damage and destroy the electrical grids and communication systems on our Earth. This can easily
lead to a collapse of many of our modern systems which are based on electricity and telecommunications. Such a collapse will result in a breakdown of
other associated structures of modern life.
We have witnessed such temporary collapse of systems in some parts of the world which were struck by tsunamis or hurricanes. A phenomenal set of
events occurring on a worldwide scale will trigger a total collapse of systems across the world, which will be permanent and irreversible. The
breakdown of communications can result in the collapse of the economic and financial systems. Transportation and supplies will be hit, resulting in
chaos and social unrest. Due to the erosion of law and order, the social and political structures will begin to crumble soon.
Such a collapse and destruction is not random or arbitrary because these are a part of a bigger process. The man-made systems which are tuned to the
ways of the Dark Age will crumble but they will be replaced by newer, divine systems. When communication systems fail, our faculties of intuition and
telepathy will start functioning with ease. As the structures of modern society come down, humanity will also make contact with higher beings who will
guide them to build better and efficient systems of the New Age.
How quickly will the old systems be replaced by newer ones depends entirely on Humanity. If the majority of us choose the New Age and make efforts to
transform ourselves, the period between the breakdowns of the old to the establishment of the new will be smaller and less painful. And if we are not
sufficiently tuned yet to the ways of the New Age by that time, these events and occurrences will be utilized by the Higher Intelligence to weed out
many who prefer the old ways and train those who are willing to transform.