posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 05:54 AM
Im not sure why it would be practical but it should work. kind of like adding a pressure washer to a water hose.
You would have to rasie the pressure in the largest one first. The inside smaller tank should be open so the pressure evens out, than when the larger
one is maxing out turn on the inside one. The pressure will be evened out in the inside and outside of the smaller compressor so it should allow it to
compress the smaller tank more.
They will have to run at the same time. As the inside one fills it will lower the pressure of the larger compressor so you will have to have it
running to maintain its pressure as air is put into the smaller tank. The pressure exuded on the inside tank wouldn't be experiencing anymore forces
than it would if it were out of the tank.
Basically if you left the inside one open and closed it when the outside was pressurized the valve would show 0PSI on the small one. You were to take
it out at that time of the larger one, the valve would still say 0PSI but would be full of Pressure. Its not the air density the pump has a problem
getting into the tank, its the difference of pressure from inside the tank and the outside the tank. So if you had 100psi in the large tank, and the
small tank was open and pressured out it should be able to also contain 100Psi inside it.