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Asylum Seekers cost £2mil a day

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:56 AM

Is it a wonder we have people rioting in the streets?

This spending needs to stop... why should the average Joe have to pay for Asylum Seekers to stay here?

Why should they have to pay for them to live in a £2 Mil pad while they themselves are struggling with daily life?

It doesnt make sense and never has made sense.... i think the Human Rights Council need to adjust certain things in this old bill!!

Here is a snippet from Article:

BRITAIN'S chaotic asylum system has cost taxpayers £2.3million a day in the last decade.
Around 77 per cent who claimed asylum between 1997 and 2010 are still here.

Hundreds of thousands have been allowed to stay even though their claims have been rejected, a damning new report shows.

Costs including housing, cash support and legal fees added up to £10billion ? or £2.3million a day, Migration Watch found. Decisions have been reached on a total of 660,000 asylum cases between 1997-2010. Of these, 26 per cent were granted asylum and 14 per cent got some other form of protection or leave to remain. It means 60 per cent of cases ? around 417,000 ? should have been sent home. But only a third of them ? around 119,000 ? went.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:02 AM
not sure that The Sun is the place to look for an unbiased report....

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:20 AM
2million a day for groups of people trying to better their selves? doesnt really bother me to be honest, money well spent in homing most of them immigrants

Better than giving the UN billions, to support the debt of another country, or million thats missing via MP's we put in power...sheesh..i could be here all day. stop reading The Sun, unless it Page 3 then i understand

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by Versa
not sure that The Sun is the place to look for an unbiased report....

I knew someone would chime in with 'Its only the Sun' 'its biased' etc etc...

Just because the people who work at The Sun care about Britain it always gets put down as being rubbish whe it comes to these type of reports!!

Anyway, you blieve what you will and i'll believe what i will

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:45 AM
Yeah, I'm afraid I have to agree, remember, The Sun has a very deliberate political angle, and News International has rather been proven to be quite capable of lying to everybody if it suits them.

I wouldn't believe anything I read in a News International publication.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Painterz
Yeah, I'm afraid I have to agree, remember, The Sun has a very deliberate political angle, and News International has rather been proven to be quite capable of lying to everybody if it suits them.

I wouldn't believe anything I read in a News International publication.

Don't you think there is competition out there to sell papers?

Why do you think other Tabloids and Media would say that everything the Sun says is a lie?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:00 AM
Whilst I agree The Sun is not the most reliable or independant source, the report is real and supports genuine concerns of increasing numbers of the UK population.

I don't know why The Sun couldn't have provided a link to it's source on it's own website.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:01 AM
For those that are / were genuine asylum seekers who risked persecution or even death in returning to their home land and who now have the chance of a better safer life, I say that's cheap at half the price.

Many people that live in a safe and modern democracy often take for granted the freedoms of the state.

Should the birth lottery really determine your life expectancy?

Many Asylum seekers go on to be productive individuals who do indeed work hard and contribute to society. Unlike many natives who have never worked a full hard day in their lives.

Is this not where the true scandal of wasted taxpayers money lies?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by AlphaOscarOne

The UK has a long and proud tradition of providing a safe haven for genuine asylum seekers, and long may this continue.

This report highlights those that do not meet the very liberal criteria that this country sets for being granted asylum status and the inability and unwillingness to deport these people and the cost of allowing them to continue their free loading status in this country without having any legal reason to be here or anything positive to offer this country.

At a time when this government is slashing costs and services surely concern over this cost is understandable.

Yes, there are many 'natives' who exploit and abuse our benefit system and it should be overhauled.
What do we expect though when we see politicians themselves abusing and exploiting the system for their own personal gain?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
Work-shy families may well cost the same and I'm pretty sure the tax-loop-holes used by the extremely rich would cost us (society) more. Moreover, the mysteriously ill cost us a fortune with 'bad backs' and 'it's me nerves.'

I'm with Freeborn. We've got something to be proud about, but shouldn't be letting in any one that shows up.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by AlphaOscarOne

Freeborn has answered you probably better than i would have done so check his post!!

I agree that not all are doing nothing but the question rmains why should i or whoever struggle through life when there are Asylum Seekers/Illegals getting a much better life then i?

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