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Homo Erectus travelled the high seas

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:09 AM
Homo Erectus travelled the high seas

A team of researchers that included an N.C. State University geologist found evidence that our ancestors were crossing open water at least 130,000 years ago. That's more than 100,000 years earlier than scientists had previously thought.

Their evidence is based on stone tools from the island of Crete. Because Crete has been an island for eons, any prehistoric people who left tools behind would have had to cross open water to get there.

The tools the team found are so old that they predate the human species, said Thomas Strasser, an archaeologist from Providence College who led the team. Instead of being made by our species, Homo sapiens, the tools were made by our ancestors, Homo erectus.

The tools are very different from any others found on Crete, Strasser said. They're most similar to early Stone Age tools from Africa that are about 700,000 years old, he said.

Initially the team didn't have any way to date the tools.

That's where NCSU geologist Karl Wegmann came in.

At the time, Wegmann didn't know much about archaeology, but he did know quite a bit about Crete's geology. He had been figuring out the ages of Crete's rock formations to study earthquakes.

A few of the stone tools the team had discovered were embedded in those same rock formations. Those rocks were formed from ancient beach sands, Wegmann said.

Today, the rocks and the tools embedded in them are hundreds of feet above the shore.

The same process that drives the region's strong earthquakes - colliding continents - is pushing Crete upward out of the sea at a rate of less than 1/20 of an inch every year.

The island's slow rise has preserved beaches from many eras as terraces along the coast.

The lower terraces are the easiest to date. Scientists can measure the age of seashells embedded in the rock using radioactive carbon dating.

This method estimates the age of those terraces at about 45,000 and 50,000 years old.

"We know that (the tools) are tens of meters above the terrace we dated at 50,000 years old, so we know right off the bat that they have to be at least that old," Wegmann said.

But 50,000 years ago is carbon dating's limit. Anything older has to be dated using another method.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:12 AM
Well this is certainly an interesting development. They have found evidence of seaports under the ocean. They are still trying to figure out where they came form since they dont know which civilization it belonged to.

If man travelled the high seas much earlier than though, it certainly places "accepted" history once more into the spotlight.

This would also be prior to the planet coming out of the last ice age.. Scientists recently found part of a city in the atlantic region under water. One of the building located is supposedly 20k years old based on a different type of carbon dating.

So many questions, so few answers.


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:35 AM
Great find S&F

I personally believe human civilisation goes back way further than the accepted 10,000 yrs or so.
Could it be possible that technology similar to what we have today existed back then but has degraded and disappeared over time?
if there was an advanced civilisation back then what would survive 100,000 yrs, probably not much!!
Just stone tools and monoliths I reckon.

Then again maybe Im not giving our ancestors their full dues and they could have travelled the globe in crude boats and star navigation.

Either way very interesting stuff


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Who knows... We seem to find something new every other day now that takes our accepted history and just destroys it like no other. If we look at what our ancestors accomplished, and the time it was accomplished in, one would say they are more intelligent than we are in addition to being more technically advanced in comparison.

Our ancestors had information that we only recently found / confirmed. We have evidence all over the planet of advanced technology needing to be present for some of the buildings and building techniques science has found.

Someone brought up an interesting thought that was meant as humor. It makes one this though.

The comment was Mars is being prepared, essentially, to evacuate earth for some catastrophic incident. Jokingly he said our people on Mars would be set back, forced to relearn and rebuild and adapt to Mars. Once that mars civilization gets up to speed for space exploration, probes will head to Earth, where speculation will abound about the possibility of life once being present. There will be image coverups of images from earth to hide the fact the history they know is not accurate at all.

Funny how off the cuff remarks cant spark interesting theories.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:20 AM
Next they'll find tools more than a million years old on some deserted island and tell us the apes must of travelled the high seas.

On a side note, I'm sick of them calling us all homo's, that's just offensive, if we were all homo's then the human race would of died out.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:36 AM
Yes and we will never find the missing link because there is not one actually. Near from the monkey but never ever archeologists will be able to prove this. We are an experiment purely made by the Nephilim, very tall beings. The bible mention this race many times by the way for those seeking information.


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Haxsaw
Next they'll find tools more than a million years old on some deserted island and tell us the apes must of travelled the high seas.

On a side note, I'm sick of them calling us all homo's, that's just offensive, if we were all homo's then the human race would of died out.

Years ago, before this news came out, right on this forum I postulated that H. Erectus could have been a sailor.

BTW, this "news" is actually old news.

IIRC, it's been posted here before.


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 10:14 AM
We have a CREATOR, but it certinaly isnt the nephilim/aliens/annunaki/fallen-angels/lucifer/satan/demons, they'll just do what they can to make you think they made us. They are just slime balls with better technology, that will prey on a civilizations vulnerabilites, they've done it since day one, they cant be trusted, forget all the new age crap and the errors of the ancients who worshipped nephilim/aliens/annunaki/fallen-angels/lucifer/satan/demons and concentrate on believing in the ONE UNSEEN GOD who created everything.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Haxsaw
We have a CREATOR, but it certinaly isnt the nephilim/aliens/annunaki/fallen-angels/lucifer/satan/demons, they'll just do what they can to make you think they made us. They are just slime balls with better technology, that will prey on a civilizations vulnerabilites, they've done it since day one, they cant be trusted, forget all the new age crap and the errors of the ancients who worshipped nephilim/aliens/annunaki/fallen-angels/lucifer/satan/demons and concentrate on believing in the ONE UNSEEN GOD who created everything.

I always find this type of argument..... interesting.

People beleive in God based on Faith, or things unseen, yet they quickly dismiss any other theories based on lack of evidence?

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 04:47 PM
People are people the world over and always have been. Even our distant cousins. I dont get why peeps think they just lived in caves and bashed things with clubs.They like us have the fire within...

thank you for thread..

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Just another clue that our accepted history is not nearly as accurate as we think it is. Sadly Scientists are to concerned with their egos and reputation rather than admitting a mistake might have been made.

Off by 100k years... Im curious what else we are wrong about and how long it will take for it to be discussed openly and without fear of being ridiculed.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:23 AM
One nitpick, due to the lower sea level the trip to Crete would have been a coastal voyage from land sight to land sight and not 'deep sea'. Indeed the article uses the term 'open water' which is more correct.
edit on 28/8/11 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune
One nitpick, due to the lower sea level the trip to Crete would have been a coastal voyage from land sight to land sight and not 'deep sea'. Indeed the article uses the term 'open water' which is more correct.
edit on 28/8/11 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

I was thinking about the whole concept of a world civilization theory and this article and it made me wonder if thats more accurate than what we first thought. 100k years erlier and our ancestors were saling the ocenas. Your comment above brings in another good point about sea levels at the time and how the water levels were a lot lower.

We are finding cities, some advanced, undermeath the ocean, all over the place, from the Middle East, to the Indian Ocean, Pacific, Atlantic. Scientists in antartica are finding that it used to be more temperate. We have the Peresi Map that shows what Antartica looked like before it was buried under a mountain of ice.

I think that if we accept the fact that our ancestors sailed the ocean earlier than thought, that a lot of the unexplained findings might actually start to fit together. Just from what ive read lately I am leaning more and more in favor of a global civilization a long time ago.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Originally posted by Hanslune
One nitpick, due to the lower sea level the trip to Crete would have been a coastal voyage from land sight to land sight and not 'deep sea'. Indeed the article uses the term 'open water' which is more correct.
edit on 28/8/11 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

I was thinking about the whole concept of a world civilization theory and this article and it made me wonder if thats more accurate than what we first thought. 100k years erlier and our ancestors were saling the ocenas. Your comment above brings in another good point about sea levels at the time and how the water levels were a lot lower.

We are finding cities, some advanced, undermeath the ocean, all over the place, from the Middle East, to the Indian Ocean, Pacific, Atlantic. Scientists in antartica are finding that it used to be more temperate. We have the Peresi Map that shows what Antartica looked like before it was buried under a mountain of ice.

I think that if we accept the fact that our ancestors sailed the ocean earlier than thought, that a lot of the unexplained findings might actually start to fit together. Just from what ive read lately I am leaning more and more in favor of a global civilization a long time ago.


They were certainly sailing around the coasts but it seems limited. You can tell by where men got to prior to more advanced sailing ability.They could cross short bodies of water but didn't develop deep sea navigation and survival until later.

The Piri Reis map doesn't show anything about the Antarctic,that is a very old fringe myth. I would recommend you look at the book by McIntosh, 'The Piri Reis Map of 1513' the map's margin clearly states where it came

At this time there is no evidence for a global civilization a 'long time ago' except of course our HSS folks doing their nomadic and semi-nomadic 'thing'.

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