posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 03:29 AM
I would like to comment on the waking up and the subject of the new world order. Waking up,not in a literal sense but finally noticing what is going
on not only in the world,but right in front of you. It isn't easyfor everyone to see the big picture,because they are too narrow minded or caught up
in the drama of their lives or the latest stories fed to them by the news media. I've been in the military,traveled,studied extensively the subjects
of science,philosophy and religion. I believe in love,but love isn't gonna help you when anarchy is upon you in the near future. In my opinion it
will be soon,you better stock up on food and be careful what you buy because as of last week if you buy 50 or more mre's,gas masks,water purification
tablets or things of that nature,you will be red flagged and looked into as being a terrorist instead of a survivalist. It's happening,and that's
just one of the many mnay things I could mention. Good luck in the future!