posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:56 AM
Hello members...
If you've been a subscriber to our email newsletter, you now know a couple things:
1) It's an excellent way to stay on top of popular or important threads you may have missed
2) It used to go out regularly, but now, not so regular
We've had a growing problem that has now become unsustainable. The massive size of our list, 86,000+ subscribers who have opted-in over the past
seven years, has run head-long into the limitations of the open source software we've been using for sending out the newsletter. As a result,
opt-outs and bounces (emails that bounce-back to our server) have not been properly processed for the past 6-9 emails that went out. The result of
which has been both a penalty placed on our server IP by ISPs, and occasional lock-ups of the server.
The only real solution is to move our newsletter to a professional provider of sending services that treats our data at least as anal as I do. We've
identified two (MailChimp being the top choice) and are investigating moving our entire newsletter operation to them. Of the top providers of quality
email newsletter services, these two are the only ones that allow customers (ATS) to disable all tracking in the emails, as well as create an
encrypted key for our database of subscribers (meaning no one but me could ever possibly see the content of our list of subscribers -- it costs extra,
but you can be damn sure we'll pay it).
The down-side is that we must start from zero, as our current list of subscribers must be considered tainted as we've received temporary blocks from
some ISPs. Hopefully soon, we'll provide information on how to subscribe to the new service, as well as send out one final (carefully managed) email
to our current subscribers with the information.
Stay tuned.