Hey there, buddy. How's it going? Man, it must be tough in your position. You got people attacking you from all angles. Heck, they won't even let up
on that stupid bus the Secret Service bought. Republicans hate you for trying to steal America and turn it into a Marxist amusement park; Democrats
hate you because you cave to Republicans at every turn. It must be hard, dealing with
children like that all the time. Sometimes I wonder why
you even bother running again in 2012. I mean, nobody's very happy with you right now, even the people who swept you into the White House. Ungrateful
lot. I'm sure you're up til 2 or 3 in the morning most nights, calling people, asking for advice, pondering the Big Questions like "should I act like
a President tomorrow or continue this political bukkake film for another six months?"
I think you've got a problem, Barry. The tricks you used in 2008 to gain ground in the Primary and the general election just aren't working anymore.
Maybe it's your handlers - God knows they're idiots, they seem to have you giving the wrong speech at the wrong moment from the wrong podium every
time there's anything to be said about anything. But I don't think it's your handlers, and even if it was their fault --
you're the
Americans right now are pretty angry. Angry at you, sure, but only because you happen to be the guy whose face we get to put on our problems. That
comes with the territory of sitting in the Oval Office -- don't take it personally. But, really, Americans are angry about much more than you, sir,
will ever amount to.
You seem to think we're mad about high unemployment, about gas prices, foreclosures, about jobs being exported along with the wealth they produce. As
long as you think we're angry about issues like those, you're missing the big picture. You're missing the
We are angry because the America we all grew up to believe in, the great, victorious nation that defeated Fascism in World War 2, and then rose to
conquer the world -- not with armies but with
hope -- is dying. We're not too stupid to see that. The dream that work can result in prosperity,
that government acts for the People, that our kids can grow up to impress us with lives that we'd never be able to lead, is very tangibly and very
quickly slipping away. We don't
care where it is going. We don't want to hear that you
sympathize. And for the love of Christ, we don't
want to keep watching you bounce bad ideas off a gridlocked, corporate-backed Congress!
It's time to face facts, Barry. You're not getting anywhere with us. Half of us think you're ruining the country, and the other half don't think
you've got the brains or the guts to do anything to stop this country being ruined. Either way, we're all screwed, and maybe it's just bad luck on
your part but the simple truth is you're caught in the middle.
The least you could do would be to grow a pair, stand up on national TV, and declare the country over. Like Eisenhower, have the courage to give us
the bad news straight, without any fancy mincing of words. At least tell us what we're in for, so we can prepare ourselves. Don't keep pushing your
increasingly diluted version of "hope" and "change" at us like a drug dealer peddling something nobody's addicted to anymore.
edit on 22-8-2011
by vexati0n because: (no reason given)