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Retired NYPD Cop Frank Serpico(Al Pacino played him in 1973 film 'Serpico')

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posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:47 AM
Exclusive Interview. Frank Serpico has not done an interview in a long time.

Retired NYPD officer Frank Serpico discusses 9/11,police corruption and the Drug War. Serpico's experience as a police officer was dramatized in the 1973 film Serpico, which starred Al Pacino in the lead role.(The whole interview is embedded below in 3 Video Segments.)




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edit on 22-8-2011 by amy2x because: Add text

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:51 AM
Every big and little city police department are simply gangsters with uniforms.

These are photographs of a multi-ton wall section that was dislodged in its entirety by a piece of landing gear.

The energy of the landing gear was sufficient to knock out the panel, snapping all the bolts, but the energy of the panel, falling about a quarter mile, was not enough to shatter the curb, or dislodge the wheel, only proving how hard the wheel had impacted the panel, and how wimpy the steel of those panels really was.

These are photos provided by the NYPD as proof of a plane to all you damn fool conspiracy theorists.

Wall Panel 1

Wall Panel 2

Besides that rock-solid evidence, the Boys In Blue have given us the literal rock-solid evidence that the concrete reached 3000 degrees and melted, completely incinerating a couple cops in the process. The proof of the heroes' passing is proven by their firearms forever encased in the concrete that resolidified after it cooled at ground zero.

NYPD display of guns encased in melted concrete

No corruption here...nope, nothing to see...Move On.
edit on 22-8-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Not All Cops Are Gangsters or Murderers, Just Some Are
... The U.S. Government couldn't secure the ports and streets by it's own funding so they made a deal with the Mafia they had kicked out of the country a few years prior. Basically from what I understand the deal was they would Police Cities and Ports enforcing minor laws & could make their money on the side as long as they didn't make to many problems and cause people to question the Governments ability to protect. As time progressed average people became Police and things became a little better for the average passerby. But now we have a mixture of both average people, gangsters/murderers and a new addition of steroid poppin adrenalin junkies that are just all together God Bless America

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by NewsWorthy

I agree...when I refer to the departments, I refer to the leaders. In a hierarchical structure, only a few key players at the top would need to know.

How many movies have you seen where the captain or the chief is corrupt? What did Serpico discover and how successful was he in fighting it?

Check out the checkered past of Bernie Kerak, which ends with "Investigation, federal indictment and imprisonment".

New York equals police corruption, just as Chicago equals political corruption.

Police Commissioner – City of New York

Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani appointed Kerik the 40th New York City Police Commissioner on August 21, 2000.

Giuliani gave much of the credit for a drop in 2001 crime to Kerik, saying that "Commissioner Kerik took over a Police Department that was leading the country in crime declines, and somehow he was able to figure out how to create even more crime reduction and to do that against a national trend in which crime is going up in much of the rest of the country." Known in the department as the "beat-cop commissioner," Kerik frequently cruised the city at night with a security detail composed of cops who have been in shootouts, dangled from rooftops, been hit by bullets, raced into burning buildings and seen their partners die. During his time as police commissioner he made five arrests including one involving two ex-convicts – one a paroled killer, wanted for a carjacking at gunpoint in Virginia – for allegedly driving a stolen van in Harlem.[17] As Police Commissioner, Kerik served on the Terrorism Committee with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Criminal Justice Advisory Board for St. John's University.

Kerik served 16 months as Commissioner, leaving office at the end of Giuliani's term on December 31, 2001.

Kerik was serving as Police Commissioner during the September 11 attacks. The twin towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed in the attack, and 23 NYPD officers were killed.[18]

Kerik was in his office when the first attack occurred and arrived at the base of Tower I about three minutes before United Airlines Flight 175 hit Tower II, showering him and his staff with debris from the burning building and plane. Giuliani arrived within minutes afterward and the two men walked to a temporary command post on West Street to meet with senior police and fire personnel.

When the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed, Giuliani, Kerik and their top aides were trapped inside a building at 75 Barclay Street. According to the New York Daily News, Kerik, along with his first deputy commissioner, the chief of department and other top police officials were all in close proximity to the burning towers, and dodged rubble and debris as the structures fell.[19]

On September 18, Kerik attended a ceremony in which Governor George Pataki signed legislation into law adding five new sections to the New York State Penal Law and one to the New York State Criminal Procedure Law, to address terrorist-related activity. Kerik also established the New York Metropolitan Committee on Counter Terrorism, responsible for reviewing existing security measures, technology, information exchange protocols and levels of cooperation among the participating agencies and developing recommendations for improving, facilitating and expediting the same throughout the current national crisis.[20]

Interim Minister of Interior of Iraq

In May 2003, during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Kerik was appointed by the George W. Bush Administration as the Interim Minister of Interior of Iraq and Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Presidential Envoy to Iraq, L. Paul Bremer III. He was responsible for reconstituting the Iraqi Ministry of Interior which had dissolved into the community during the U.S. led coalition's invasion of Iraq. The Iraq Interior consisted of the National Police, Intelligence Service and Border and Customs Police. Prior to his departure on September 2, 2003,[21] more than 35,000 Iraqi police were re-instated, 35 police stations were stood up in Baghdad with several more around the country, the senior deputy interior ministers were appointed and the newly established governing counsel appointed the first Iraqi Minister of Interior, post Saddam Hussein, Nouri Badran.[22]

In a United Nations UNODC Fact Finding Mission Report dated May 18, 2003, Kerik was cited as leading a small "International Policing Team", to restructure and rebuild the Iraqi Police and Ministry of Interior. They noted that the team made "positive interventions in a number of areas", but were under "no illusions about the magnitude of the reforms and work required" moving forward. Because Iraq had suffered from years of authoritarian rule, conflict and isolation, failure to pursue the necessary reforms with speed and resources, could result in serious consequences for the development of democracy and economic prosperity in Iraq.[23]
[edit] The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

On May 18, 2004, Kerik testified before the 9/11 Commission in New York City. He concluded his testimony with a list of lessons learned or recommendations, making the following points:[24]

• First, emergency operations centers, with an Office of Emergency Management responsible for its operations, similar to the one in New York City, are essential, not only to coordinate operations in the event of a crisis but also for planning purposes. Relationships and response plans must be well established, before an emergency occurs – you just can’t make them happen in the midst of a crisis.

• Second, success in securing our homeland requires accurate and real time intelligence that is shared with all necessary stakeholders, whether they are at the local, state or federal level. There must be internal monitoring systems that will insure efficiency and accountability with regard to information sharing and communications. A culture change in intelligence and information sharing is essential and those that refuse to change must be removed. There can be no compromise.

• Third, this culture change has begun, assisted through the provisions of the Patriot Act. This law contains many provisions, particularly with respect to information sharing, that better enable law enforcement to continues its fight against terrorism. Thus, the Act should be continued.

• We should create a mechanism to hold countries accountable that promote terrorism against the United States. Such countries constitute a legitimate threat against Americans, both here and abroad.

• Finally, I believe our battles have only just begun. Removing the Taliban and the Al-Qaeda leadership from Afghanistan --- and Saddam and his regime from Iraq, were just the beginning in addressing the real threats against us. We must stand firm, stay pre-emptive and never believe for one minute that this war is over. And to those who would say that our actions in Iraq or Afghanistan have only worsened the threats against us, or to the Spanish who believe their involvement in Iraq resulted in the train bombings in Madrid, I ask: Why us on September 11, 2001?

"They brought this war to us, and it is a war we cannot afford to lose. I ask the members of this Commission to put politics aside, put our freedom first and give us the ammunition we need to continue the battle before us. For without it…we lose".

Nomination as U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security

On December 3, 2004, Kerik was nominated by President Bush to succeed Tom Ridge as United States Secretary of Homeland Security. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales vetted Kerik during that nomination period.[30] But on December 10, after a week of press scrutiny, Kerik withdrew acceptance of the nomination. Kerik stated that he had unknowingly hired an undocumented worker as a nanny and housekeeper who had used someone else's social security number. Similar violations of immigration law had previously caused the withdrawal of the nominations of Linda Chavez as Secretary of Labor by George W. Bush and of Zoë Baird and Kimba Wood as Attorney General by President Bill Clinton.

Shortly after withdrawal of the nomination, the press reported on several other incidents which might also have posed difficulties in gaining confirmation by the Senate. These include: questions regarding Kerik's sale of stock in Taser International shortly before the release of an Amnesty International report critical of the company's stun-gun product; a sexual harassment lawsuit; an alleged affair with Judith Regan; allegations of misuse of police personnel and property for personal benefit; connections with a construction company suspected of having ties to organized crime; and failure to comply with ethics rules on gifts.[31]

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