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We Need More Welfare!!!! We Really Do and here's why..

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:37 PM
Move to Cuba or China commie if you love welfare so much.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by simone50m
reply to post by BioStatistic

In the 1950's and before, they used to take 'those' to the park and lynch them from trees at picnics. Lots of photos with smiling whites infront of a dangling corps having released his bowels over their lunch.

Isn't this what you wish you could really say? Well there. I said it for you.

I have no idea what you're talking about. What you choose to read into what I have said is completely your issue.
I make no denominations in what I say, since this is a global issue and not isolated to any certain demographic.
Quite honestly, if you're insinuating what I think you are, then this card has been played way too much and it's about time people stopped dwelling on 60 years ago, and started looking at today and the future, because that's what we're trying to save.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:47 PM


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by ILoveJesusAndIslam
reply to post by IlluminatusOculus33

You could of said that more nicley.
Second line.

Then it wouldn't have been as humorous.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:53 PM


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by ABNARTY
reply to post by BioStatistic

There is a lot here.

1. "Welfare encourages individuals not to work or contribute to society." If this were the case, why is everyone not on welfare?

RE: 1. Not everyone is on welfare because some people have a sense of ambition and a desire to do something with themselves.

2. "Those who choose not to better themselves will always sit and hold out their hands, expecting their monthly allowance, and are never motivated to do anything." This assumes they have a choice to begin with. Some may, granted, and choose not to. Others may have no avenue. Do we let them die as a society because they have nothing to eat or no where to go?

RE: 2. If you are so happy to foot their bill, then by all means, please do so. When it becomes hard for me to care for myself and my family because my resources are too thin, I will choose my family. I have no problem helping those who are honestly trying, but I see no point in enabling the lazy and self-entitiled to continue to to be lazy and self-entitled.

3. "Proportionately, the workers are gradually being outnumbered by those who drain on the system." Are we ants? Those not genetically programmed to work can never broach the divide?

RE: 3. We are nothing like ants, because ant colonies are 100% efficient and have no free loaders who expect someone to shove food in their mounts and clean up their waste for them while they contribute nothing.

4. "I really don't appreciate having to support people who don't want any better for themselves and have no interest in ever doing anything productive. It's insulting and degrading." Agreed. Who does? What is your solution? I heard a lot of less government, socialism is bad, etc. Who is going to argue that?

RE: 4. My solution is to put them on work programs for whatever might need to be done. Let them clean the streets, day care for those of us working, I don't care. Free loading is unacceptable. It's the ones abusing the system that get my goat. They're capable of working and choose not to.

I do not expect you to answer for a complex societal dilemma and I apologize if it comes off that way. I do not intend to sound condescending or insulting. It's just I hear a lot of this talk here and elsewhere yet few offer a viable solution other than less government. The vast majority of what you earn and hand over in taxes does not go to taking care of the "non-workers". It is really pennies on the dollar compared to defense contractor welfare or wall street welfare or interest on the debt.

The solution to your final statement would require a major undertaking by all of us. Every one of us has given away our personal power as citizens of this country. It's all our faults, and we're the only ones that can fix it. Sadly, most are too apathetic and dependent on the system they won't make a move to incite change.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by BioStatistic

I like the idea of putting them to work. I am not sure why we don't do that. I suppose some might argue it is not the governments job to provide employment for people but at this stage in the game, what do we have to lose?

I am not happy to support the lazy but there might be someone out there who really needs the help. Until the system can fine tune itself to differentiate, I would rather not through the baby out with the bath water. Although if the system wants to make the upgrade, sooner is better than later.

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