I have to agree with jakeistheone on this that the dumbest threads get the most stars and flags, its like people just what the information given to
them without doing the research themselves.
She has been talking about this stuff for years, and it seems no one is listening, she is one very smart woman.
If you haven't already I would kindly suggest you check out her web page especially this part.
I presented info that another banker resigned, in a very long line of them who had, but this was a -Federal Reserve- guy. It was not acknowledged,
except by one person. I found it significant.
But I guess this site is becomeing a fight club for the young mamals who keep the blacks-versus-whites things going. If I wanted the corporate media,
I'd tune in via my TV.
This one got some attention, but since it is such a huge problem, I'll hype it again anyway! There was another suicide related to Prescription Drug
problems in my office just this week.
This one has to do with marching every more closely to the mark of the beast, and the thread is a year or two old, and we are so much closer now than
we were when I wrote it! Worth reading again and updating! The Mark, How Close Are We?
This one has a bunch of common sense suggestions for how to spend $2T that would have actually impacted the average American and shoved the economy
into hyper-drive, instead of what was done by the Govt. Suggestions for $2T