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The Beast Of Seven Chutes

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posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by shagreen heart

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by JROCK2527
What kind of strange fealing??? describe it so we can analyze and better understand it
ive seen hundreds of photos of ghosts,ufos and creatures. but none of them give me the "weird and ominous" feeling that i get when i look at this creatures picture.i dont even feel it when i look at the amazing patterson footage.its almost like my inner voice is telling me that theres something thats partly human looking out of this creatures eyes. it was looking right at the guy who took the picture,although he didnt know it at the time.i feel that this thing is lonely and far from its home. like it was taken from its world and put into ours. i also feel that the white animal that its carrying under its arm,in a non threatening manner,is for companionship, a pet...
this is the one i mean ^^^ this is what i feel when i look at it looking at me,because its looking right at the camera more or less...

wow... i seriously felt exactly the same way. the only thing different is that there is almost also a kind of maliciousness as well with somehow a definite negativity directly to humans, and not just the photographer.
hi and thanx for your comment...what is this thing? its not a traditional bigfoot,its not a baboon,its not a chimpanzee,its not a dog or wolf. it is around 6 or 7 feet tall,it does have a fanged snout,it is carrying the small white animal, whose eyes are open,in a non threatening manor,meaning that if it had just killed it for food it would just sling it over its shoulder or be carrying it by its hind legs. i think its keeping it for company, like a pet,because this creature to me is lost,far from home and lonely. theres something primordial yet human like glaring out of its animal eyes. is it from another planet or dimension? does it live underground in camoflaged caves? is it a werewolf? an escaped or let loose experiment?...but there it is and i get the weirdest feeling when i look at it,a feeling thats ominous and forboding...
edit on 31-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

very ominous and contemplating indeed.

i can't be sure if it's just a sasquatch with a leaf in front of the face that makes it look like a snout and teeth bearing or if that really is the face with the snout and teeth bearing.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:38 AM
This is a total fake. The lighting makes it completely obvious. The light source for the ape like creature is coming from the direct right. The light source in the rest of the photo looks to be coming from directly above and slightly to the right. There is a definite distinction between the two light sources.

Also, the placement of the animal/creature would make it nearly as tall as the trees, now since it is a cryptid it could be possible BUT.. I can't see how this would be a biologically or physiologically evolved creature. It wouldn't make sense to be that tall.. What purpose would it serve?

The angles don't exactly coincide either. I'm a believer in a big-foot/yeti type creature, but this is most definitely a hoax.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by ZiggyMojo
This is a total fake. The lighting makes it completely obvious. The light source for the ape like creature is coming from the direct right. The light source in the rest of the photo looks to be coming from directly above and slightly to the right. There is a definite distinction between the two light sources.

Also, the placement of the animal/creature would make it nearly as tall as the trees, now since it is a cryptid it could be possible BUT.. I can't see how this would be a biologically or physiologically evolved creature. It wouldn't make sense to be that tall.. What purpose would it serve?

The angles don't exactly coincide either. I'm a believer in a big-foot/yeti type creature, but this is most definitely a hoax.

i have to agree with you though the angles and lighthing just seem "off" to me.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:45 AM
i dont see any "green" color in front of its head,meaning leafs. it definitely looks like it has a fanged snout. i would'nt walk around that area at night without some kind of weapon, thats for sure. i would'nt want to hurt it or kill it, but if it suddenly attacked me, i would'nt want to be caught off guard just standing there with nothing to protect myself with but a camera. if i lived in that same area where this thing was photographed, i would feel very uneasy,especially when darkness arrived. imagine this thing growling outside your home at night! and scratching at the walls! or catching a glimpse of it runnung across your yard! or peering in at you through a window with those eyes!...that would be terrifying and just as bad would be how most people would not believe you...

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by ZiggyMojo
This is a total fake. The lighting makes it completely obvious. The light source for the ape like creature is coming from the direct right. The light source in the rest of the photo looks to be coming from directly above and slightly to the right. There is a definite distinction between the two light sources.

Also, the placement of the animal/creature would make it nearly as tall as the trees, now since it is a cryptid it could be possible BUT.. I can't see how this would be a biologically or physiologically evolved creature. It wouldn't make sense to be that tall.. What purpose would it serve?

The angles don't exactly coincide either. I'm a believer in a big-foot/yeti type creature, but this is most definitely a hoax.
thats not true ^^^ heres a photo comparison with a 6ft man standing in the same spot >

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by blocula

no it's not green there are leaves on that tree or bush or whatever that are in shade and very dark in color just in front/around the face and body

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:52 AM
It is true.. The height thing may be incorrect but that doesn't dismiss the lighting and angle issue. The photo used to compare height that you posted also seems slightly suspicious to me. By the standards of that photograph, the lady in the woods is grabbing the top of a tree...

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by shagreen heart
reply to post by blocula

no it's not green there are leaves on that tree or bush or whatever that are in shade and very dark in color just in front/around the face and body
i see different shades of fur/hair hanging arond its neck and chest area and just look at the original picture,this creature was obviously caught in the camera lens by accident,way off to the right side. you can click on the picture and enlarge it even more >
edit on 31-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by ZiggyMojo
It is true.. The height thing may be incorrect but that doesn't dismiss the lighting and angle issue. The photo used to compare height that you posted also seems slightly suspicious to me. By the standards of that photograph, the lady in the woods is grabbing the top of a tree...
okay so its a 5ft 7 inch lady.theres a lot of other comparison photos and video in the original link,theres like 25 of them with men and women and i think that the creature and the comparison stand-ins are standing on or near a ledge...
edit on 31-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:55 AM
This picture crack's me up. It's like every heartfelt aspect of my life is coming to light. I can only hope this topic has maintained it's presence, but I do so beseech thee to imbibe wot I scribe...

Werewolf? Baboon? Dog-man? Come on now yawl, let's dance here for a hot minute. It look's an awful lot like a pro-simian, for example ( The thing is, there haven't been "Lemurs" in North America since the cataclysmic impact's (such as the Chesapeake Bay impact crater) and subsequent titanic waves that harkened the dawn of the Oligocene, somewhere around 35 million years ago. What if these "dog-men" were some manner of extinct Adapid, sovereign perhaps for such a huge freaking head! Taking the manifestation of the supernatural into account (which would explain how these thing's are so hard to find), how crazy would it be if these were actual 35 million year old ghost's.

A red thangy upon it's head? Tha'at just look's like somebody's baseball cap. A projected object that he also seems to be chewing on? Tha'at look's like an awesome paint brush. An anomalous white object held by a gangly lookin' hands? Tha'at looks an awful lot like a painting palette.

Take it as you will, but I honestly boast my perception keen in the construction of obscure form; truly a sick nasty artist as I say :]

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by grandnic
reply to post by blocula

First time i've heard about this.

"Parc des Sept Chutes" is a place I know very well. There is a hydroelectric dam there where I often go to work. The pictures look to be from there, the vegetation and river looks right.

This place is about 45 minutes drive from Quebec city (and not near St-George as one source says). The place is far from urban but it is not remote by any means. It is near a well known ski mountain called "Mont Ste-Anne" and many people (including myself) are hiking and skiing in the region.

Actually, there is also a Parc des Sept Chutes near Saint Georges, and if you browse the pictures of the "surrounding area" on this website (see picture 17, for example), you will see that the picture of the cryptid was indeed taken in the Parc des Sept Chutes near Saint Georges, and not in the one you mention.

Here are the Google Earth coordinates of the bridge in picture 17: Latitude 46° 6'30.42"N ; Longitude 70°42'32.25"W.

As you will see in Google Earth, the Parc des Sept Chutes near Saint Georges is a suburban park located half a mile away from an airport and a few hundred yards away from a residential area, and seems to attract many visitors from the nearby city. Not exactly the place where I would expect to bump into a Sasquatch...
Parc des Sept Chutes (a picture of the bridge of picture 17 is also featured on this page)

edit on 27-7-2012 by geolo34 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2012 by geolo34 because: (no reason given)

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