posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 05:07 PM
hi everyone
hope the weekend has been a good one to you all
first of all my daughter is at the seaside this weekend
so the house is quiet lol, and ive been able to relax to ats on/off all day
ive had a few beers and that stuff that ats forbids to talk about.
So im relaxing and thinking about friends and aquaintences.
well anyway to keep the thread from drifting i realised this
im hooked on ats its part of my life now, like getting up and going to the toilet haha
and as you veteran members know, you start noticing someone and when they post a thread
your sort of drawn to them and their wisdom.
well to summon this up
it feels easy to build a character profile for some members if you read their posts,
such as religion, hobbys,favourite food etc
well this is where paranoia kicks in doesnt it,if i can do it, you can, and so can everyone
so i say THANK YOU ATS and thank you to all members that beg to differ haha
it makes life that more interesting, and i do learn something everyday even if its meaningless.
oh yeh it appears that im online 24/7 i just forget to log out lol.
hope next week is a good one
thank you members