posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by JKF1897
Who plays Sony these days. kids have the Wii, adults have the Xbox??
Sony really stabbed their loyal customers in the back with PS3.
the awesome decision to design it where PS2 games can't be played was a stellar greed play that blew up..
everyone had a play station one, and hordes of games which was able to be played on ps2. that is why many chose PS2 over xbox when they came out.. YOU
But, when PS3 came out many chose it over xbox 360 because they had accumulated alot of expensive PS2 games..
What a crappy, punk a$$ thing Sony did to people over that. Trying to be greedy and force people to buy more games. They knew PS3 sucked in comparison
to the 360 which is a superior unit with WAAAAAY better game designers and play. Sony KNEW they couldn't compete with it so they decided to Shaft
their loyal customers who MANY chose it thinking as before, their old games would work on it.. For that very reason I am a "lobbyist" against PS3