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Minor Firefox 6 Problem With ATS

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posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:18 AM
Hey fellow ATS members, I've encountered a minor but annoying problem when using Mozilla Firefox 6 on ATS. Whenever I am in a thread, and I scroll to the bottom and try to click the "Top" button, so it will take me back instantly to the top of the page, it won't work. I've tried this in IE9 and Google Chrome and it works just like it should. Is this a compatibility issue when using Firefox on this site, and has anyone else who uses Firefox been having the same problem? Here's a screen capture for those who don't know what I'm talking about. Like I said, it's very minor but annoying at the same time.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:25 AM
i have the same problem with firefox 6.
I just deal with it and use the scroll bar on the side.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:56 AM
Same problem for me, but I never even knew there was that button so it doesn't bother me at all

EDIT: If you press the 'home' key on your keyboard it should work
edit on 8/20/2011 by Josonic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:24 AM
I am using Foxfire 5.0 and it won't work for me either! It must be all foxfire being Non-compatible.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Josonic

thanks for the tip!!!

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 07:34 AM
Won't work for me either. You can hit the Home key on your keyboard and it will put you back at the top of the page though.

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