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Money for ET's

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posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:11 PM
Found a page in russian // translation:

The new monetary unit "galaktos" is invented in Bulgaria! In opinion of members of the Bulgarian fund of space researches, this currency is useful, when there will be a necessity to do business with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. The new coin is minted their alloy of gold and nickel. Its weight of three grammes. " Money is the unique universal equivalent known on the Earth. Therefore they become one of the first things which will bring in the order to attitudes with aliens ", - chairman of fund Cyril is convinced. In total 50 intergalactic coins which part is directed to members of the Bulgarian management are rapped out.

Post in russian

Kinda interesting huh? Couldnt find the original post on this, maybe someone will help? Otherwise discuss it amongst yourselves.

[edit on 19-8-2004 by RealityBites]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:13 PM
Isn't Bulgaria where the supercomputer 'B.E.A.S.T.' is kept? Or is that Belgium?

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:42 PM
There is no way, that ETs would use any money in any business with humans. I do think, that there is business between them and us, but that is about raw materials, logistical facilities, animals, DNA, setting up "legal" abductions, and even worse...

Advanced creatures do not even need to do any business with humans, they can do whatever they want... even with us.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:45 PM
It's common knowledge that the aliens use the Barter System. Which is why when it all goes down, the Amish people are the only ones who will survive the impending alien invasion.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by everlastingnoitall
Isn't Bulgaria where the supercomputer 'B.E.A.S.T.' is kept? Or is that Belgium?

Lol, we got some nice supercomputers here, but The Beast is pure fiction, thought up for a book:

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 03:52 PM
I heard in the news, that UFOs were stealing precious metals from Russian factories... Journalists invaded the whole place. They found a landing site in a nearby forest and some small molten balls of the stolen metal. Well, this is the case. They make great fools of us...

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 04:51 PM
Yeah right, like ET's need metal from russian factories .. what could be more ridiculous .. but in fact this money thing is pretty interesting, if someone could find more about these intergalactic coins, it would be very kind of ya, because i couldnt, and this one is interesting, i couldnt even find the original text on this subject ..

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 05:05 PM
Intergalactic coins might be used between advanced, well developed creatures . But not between aliens and humans. We are animals to them, nothing more. The business between the greys and humans is nothing more, just cheating on us to recieve resources.

I thought, you could know anything about that russian metal stealing. For two days the news was full of this article.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 02:37 PM
everyone knows that pressed latinum is the galactic currency of choice...

Currently, we don't KNOW of any other inhabited planets, so we also don't know what their concentration of gold, or any other material is... Therefore, it would be PURE speculation...

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
everyone knows that pressed latinum is the galactic currency of choice...

Currently, we don't KNOW of any other inhabited planets, so we also don't know what their concentration of gold, or any other material is... Therefore, it would be PURE speculation...

Exactly! If they did have some form of monetary money system, then we would have to assume that there would need to be some sort of precious metal (precious to them) to give the coins (or whatever they use) value. This would also lead us to beleive that they then have a political and aristocracy hierarchy established, because if they didn't what would they need money for? If that is the case, then there would definitely be corruption in thier lives (based on the beleif that money brings you power, and the lack of money causes greed and envy to those with the power). Therefore it would take away any doubts that a visiting race of aliens have only good and pure intentions for visiting our planet.

So, whoever is stating that they aliens are using any form of coin based currency better be able to accept the possibility of hostile intentions.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 02:50 PM
that's just an attempt to spread capitalism troughout the galaxy,nothing more

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 03:38 PM
If there is money or any payment done between aliens, that would also mean the presence of work. But do we see muscular aliens? They are thin, small and hardly capable for any work... if the photos are credible up to date.

Thinking logically, aliens use robots to build, work or even invent things. There is a question: Do precious materials exist in the life of aliens? Metals suitable to represent value?

If any creature is capable to travel huge distance very fast, that means they may bump into far more advanced beings ...

Trade may not be needed by aliens, because they can find resources anywhere. Only technology may be shared, but I doubt that the aliens would share it by anyone.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 03:42 PM
this thread makes me think of .....

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 03:48 PM
What is that supposed to mean? I dont get it.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 03:52 PM
its an old space trading game called elite -one of the first 3d games out

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 03:54 PM
Youre supposed to trade a white pixel for a white pixel?

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 04:10 PM
I assume it is running on an XT 1MHz high speed industrial computer with 256 KB RAM and a 3D accelerator with 128 KB memory...

I'd love to try such computer one day... in a museum some may still work.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 03:08 PM
Of course an alien race would be happy to trade with humans on earth. Google "comparative advantage" and learn why free trade is the cheapest way for both parties to achieve their goals and much cheaper than an invasion which alot of people seem to think is imminent.

The actual "money" used for the exchange doesn't have to be made out of precious metals or anything in particular as long as it is measurable and accepted by both parties. The Bulgarian coin would be fine as long as a value relative to the US dollar and the alien home currency could be agreed upon.

I don't think aliens have to be muscular to work. Most jobs on earth today do not require any muscularity.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 03:38 PM
I've got it! Alien currency is made out of two things abundant here on Earth, but rare elsewhere....

COWS and Pressed WHEAT!!!

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I've got it! Alien currency is made out of two things abundant here on Earth, but rare elsewhere....

COWS and Pressed WHEAT!!!

HA!!! Those aliens sure can't get enough of them cows and wheat fields
I'd like to see a crop circle with pressed cows!

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