posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 02:36 AM
When the American political season begins, the rest of the world ceases to exist. Seriously, there is well over a year before the Presidential
elections, and all this political non sense just keeps getting shoved in my face. I haven't watched cable tv in ages, and yet i still get bombarded
with this non sense. I get most of my information through the internet and social networking, ATS, Godlike, Fecebook, Youtube etc, and all of that is
contaminated. All of these now are just littered with all this political stuff. "Michelle Bachmann wants you to 'pray away the gay', "Rick Perry
gets lost in own asshole", "Ron Paul once again reminds us how screwed we are" (though i do hope he wins). But seriously, the rest of the world is
still spinning, there are far more pressing global issues then watching these people fight over who's gonna be ruler of the slave farm. I shudder
when i think about people who are addicted to the alphabet soup news channels, and just how uninformed they could be. Ill just have to go out of my
way more to search for good information. Ill stop whining and bitching now.