posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:08 PM
Ron Paul is a puppet just like the others...tptb got everyone on the democratic side riled up about obama, they've been building this ron paul thing's called "controlled opposition" do you really think that they aren't smarter than us? that's laughable....we're cattle with a nose
ring....eating up what they feed us....they cause all kinds of controversy, then they send out one of their speakers to point it out, therefore
creating yet another group that is divided from the's all psychological....the same crap that they use for entertainment in the wwf
wrestling soap operas, people eat it up and follow it like it's some kind of new religion.....ha ha, we'll never escape, we have too many heads with
too many ideas......they actually work in unison, undivided on a strict schedule.....they win...they play both sides every time.......