posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 12:31 PM
I really wonder.
My opinion is that random "shotgun" style attacks, like the ones carried out in the P-I conflict, would be more destabilizing to the U.S. population
than a single massive attack.
Let's face it, like the previous poster stated, if a massive nuclear or bio/chem attacked in a major U.S. city, extreme measure would ensue.
But if the next tactic is random suicide bombers at your local Piggly Wiggly or shopping mall, then what is created is exhaustive fear driven by "you
never know where is next". This is where wits wear thin, and people become desparate.
If you don't know if you are going to make it to work because the subway you're on may be the next target, or you don't know if you'll come out of
a movie theater alive, that can be a very destabilizing factor.