posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 12:21 AM
Yes, but..
aren't you seeing - there is no perfect approach. especially in the club or bar situation you describe.
Women are meeting these perfect men without a cheesy or "ideal" pick up line etc.
It's just happening naturally between two people when it's happening so to speak...
It's not some amazing structured occurrence.
So far all the gals posting on this thread are describing events that seemed so random or fleeting - just a smile - just a look - a passing moment -
an inner recognition.
And that has nothing to do with gender either, I mean any adult can generally peg someone who isn't genuine or being themself a mile away or putting
on an act.
and it's not one of these "dream bloke" moments you seem to think can be outlined by a chick. Like a he said - she said thing.
In other words, I dont have any idea what a guy might do or say that'll blow my socks off, but I will know it when it happens...
And so will he....