posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:22 PM
How does Bernie Madoff manage to perpetrate a ponzi scheme of such a magnitude for decades? How does AIG get bailed out, even though several of their
top execs were investigated for trading impropriety? How does SAC get nailed for insider trading years after they had been investigated for it? How
come the SEC, our one protection against shady and criminal behavior on wall street, doesn't follow patterns of improper behavior by wall street
Because it's their practice to destroy all records on investigations that don't result in actual charges. And why don't these charges come to light,
even though the claims are insanely obvious? Because they are controlled by the banks they are supposed to be watching.
Matt Taibbi's article at Rolling Stone lifts the shades on the corrupt, pointless watchdog known as the Securities and Exchange Commission.
that's right, the people who are supposed to be monitoring and protecting investors, are aiding and abetting the criminals that run wall street.
An SEC employee makes peanuts and is then tasked with catching and charging billion dollar banks with committing crimes. How hard is it to convince
an SEC employee that the claims they are investigating are nonsense? Well, when an $80,000 a year SEC employee is offered a job paying far more money
to switch sides, I'm guessing it ain't hard at all.
edit on 17-8-2011 by Crakeur because: spelling