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ABC and MSNBC dishonestly edit Rick Perry "big black cloud" clip

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posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:42 PM
In the latest bit of race baiting media attacks against Obama's opponents, ABC "news" and MSNBC both edited a clip of Rick Perry talking about a "black cloud" hanging over the country. Of course both outlets (and others who took their word) used the edited clip to suggest Perry is a racist and was referring to Obama.

[B]Rick Perry ‘Big Black Cloud’ Quote Edited Out Of Context By MSNBC And ABC News[/B]

GOP hopeful Gov. Rick Perry drew fire from some quarters earlier over a remark, reported by ABC News’ The Note blog, that “a ‘big black cloud’ hangs over the country.”

As it turns out, Perry’s remark was much more specific. While he did use the phrase “big black cloud,” he was referring explicitly to the debt, as the full video of Perry’s remark reveals.

BreitbartTV’s Larry O’Connor tracked down the full video of Perry’s remarks (which Mediaite also requested of ABC News prior to our post on the subject), and compared it with an edited version that aired on Monday night’s The Ed Show.

Now, Schultz could have aired the entire clip, and still tried to make the case that Perry’s remark was poorly chosen. Chopping the clip the way he did was dishonest and, at best, an oversell by a zealous partisan commentator.

But there is no excuse for ABC News’ reporters abridging Perry’s remark in that fashion. It was their reporting upon which April Ryan, and others, relied in forming their strong reactions to the quote, and not Schultz’s edited clip. It was the truncated, oddly-paraphrased fashion in which ABC reported his remark (“Perry warned that a ‘big black cloud’ hangs over the country”) which made me contact them (and Perry’s campaign) to check on the quote in the first place.

This kind of crap will continue. It is the MSM's job to attack and smear Republicans in order to help Democrats keep power. This election will be no different.

EDIT: Do not take my post to mean that I'm a big supporter of Republicans. I'm not. To be honest, none of the candidates interest me in the least. So please, spare the accusations of being a partisan robot and stick to addressing the topic.
edit on 16-8-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:45 PM
yes the vast left wing propaganda machine has only one job

tear down republicans and make obama and the democrats look great.

just ask palin and gwb how well it works


edit on 16-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Gannicus
BOOOOOOOOOOOOO for any sort of misrepresentation or disenfranchisement of any candidates.

I may not like Perry with what little bit I know of him so far, but all I want is a bloody level playing field. Seriously, with their influence and STATED goals, is there really not any way to hold the media accountable for false advertising, electoral fraud, or a good many other things?

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:04 PM

That is selective editing to make the case of selective editing. I was watching this show last night and I saw the FULL ED clip, not the version edited that you just posted.

While I will agree...the big black cloud being Obama thing was a really crappy way to CAP UP...the actual point he was making was about a different part of the speech. I am not going to defend Ed as a race baiter or even a drama queen and attention seeker. Ever since he got on TV his head has really gotten big. I will give you all that. But the actual segment was about Perry making the case that Obama does not love America. It really had nothing to do with the "big black cloud" comment.

But hey. The way Brietbart edited it makes his case pretty good, doesn't it.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:07 PM
Are you guys babies or can you handle it?

Both sides' rhetoric is deplorable so I think you folks above me are either blind or fanboys.

Your whining about liberals spinning things is garbage; making mountains out of molehills.

Does it happen? Sure and it's not right, but do not for a second pretend it doesn't happen elsewhere (Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Fox News) Both Sides.

LOL and those jerks sit there and PRETEND to not be MSM....

FOX IS OWNED BY MURDOCH.... that's about as MSM as it gets... like it or not.

Get over yourselves ATSers, both sides are full of sh*t. stop being voiceless, senseless, gutless fanboys and think for yourselves.
edit on 8/16/2011 by mudbeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Kitilani

That is selective editing to make the case of selective editing. I was watching this show last night and I saw the FULL ED clip, not the version edited that you just posted.

While I will agree...the big black cloud being Obama thing was a really crappy way to CAP UP...the actual point he was making was about a different part of the speech. I am not going to defend Ed as a race baiter or even a drama queen and attention seeker. Ever since he got on TV his head has really gotten big. I will give you all that. But the actual segment was about Perry making the case that Obama does not love America. It really had nothing to do with the "big black cloud" comment.

But hey. The way Brietbart edited it makes his case pretty good, doesn't it.

I think we're only going to see more and more of this and we'll see it from both sides right to the end. It would seem we don't have Television news channels in the U.S. anymore. When I turn on the "news" channels (My cable guide says they are) I see commentary and I see punditry overflowing, but I do NOT see news. Imagine the world without the internet.
Within just a few months, events would have changed so much without any clear version to hear, we'd all be lost on what was actually happening outside our immediate area or those we knew someone in.

I think by the time we reach the 2012 elections, we'll be HOPING the Mayans were right just to put an end to the politics.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by mudbeed

Get over yourselves ATSers, both sides are full of sh*t. stop being voiceless, senseless, gutless fanboys and think for yourselves.

Well said, Abaddon, and thanks - impartiality is all I look for. While I don't like him either, Obama's been a victim, congress has been a victim, and we've been victims.

There's always an agenda, and those in UPPER MANAGEMENT level of control are more than willing to play both (all three? Even more?) sides against the middle, and themselves. The "news corporations" are effectively anything but, and it's a very sad, so sad, thing that so many people still develop their views of the world from what the media puts forward.

The media has most definitely failed the request that Kennedy made of it. Awesome speech, BTW, for any who haven't seen it. Youtube "kennedy 1961 speech press" and you should likely find it. It's about secrecy and makes certain requests of the press.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by neo96
yes the vast left wing propaganda machine has only one job

tear down republicans and make obama and the democrats look great.

just ask palin and gwb how well it works

FYI, so I can teach you the truth... Palin and "GWB" are real idiots.

It wasn't "gotcha" journalism or a fake left wing liberal smear campaign.

They are actually idiots, with horrible ideas. Palin is dumb, even the GOP will tell you that. GWB is dumb, he ushered in the beginning of the destruction of our country, for real.

You need to read and read a lot. You need to watch videos of those two people. You probably should have stayed in school or learned a little about American politics.

What are your sources, BTW?

What sources say Palin and GWB are actually smart and not mental midgets?

Hell, who would (in their right mind) stick up for those two? I can't even think of a right winger columnist that would.

Here to be fair here is a Democrat I absolutely loathe.... Jon Edwards.

edit on 8/16/2011 by mudbeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by mudbeed

i really do love those kinds of posts teach eh.

thanks for making my point not one original thought anywhere to be seen.

oh and by the way its john edwards
edit on 16-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by mudbeed
It wasn't "gotcha" journalism or a fake left wing liberal smear campaign.

Oh ok. Let me get this straight. As long as its related to Bush, Fox, Palin or one of your favorite boogymen, its real. If the story is about people on the other side of the political spectrum lying or being stupid, its "fake"?

They are actually idiots, with horrible ideas. Palin is dumb, even the GOP will tell you that. GWB is dumb, he ushered in the beginning of the destruction of our country, for real.

I love how you lecture people about partisanship and cheering for their side and then launch in to that exact behavior. You're just like these activists in the media posing as journalists. They lecture everyone on civility, then call Obama's critics "terrorists".

By the way, I predicted this type of response in the OP. Its so predictable.

What sources say Palin and GWB are actually smart and not mental midgets?

What does Palin or GWB have to do with this thread or this election? Why are you so determined to distract from the topic?

Hell, who would (in their right mind) stick up for those two? I can't even think of a right winger columnist that would.

Obama is a raving idiot, yet we have to deal with daily reassurances form his sycophantic media and followers that he's brilliant.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by neo96
yes the vast left wing propaganda machine has only one job

tear down republicans and make obama and the democrats look great.

just ask palin and gwb how well it works


edit on 16-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Yeah, because the right wing would NEVER do such a thing......

Wait....They both do crap like this all the time?

Oh.....Never mind....

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth

Originally posted by neo96
yes the vast left wing propaganda machine has only one job

tear down republicans and make obama and the democrats look great.

just ask palin and gwb how well it works


edit on 16-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Yeah, because the right wing would NEVER do such a thing......

Wait....They both do crap like this all the time?

Oh.....Never mind....

There is one big difference. Fox gets called out from the mountain tops. There are dozens of threads on every forum you can find, along with major coverage by every other MSM outlet. When it comes to the distortions and lies of the Democrat party press, not so much. There seems to be a lot less outrage about those incidents too.
edit on 16-8-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

hard to compete with the left when they hold education film,tv,blogs,internet flame the right as much as you want to

but when it comes to sheer power and inlfuence nothing compares to the left

they define what is right and wrong who is stupid and who is smart and tell us and who has told us 1+1=3 for the last 3 years.

the hatred for the right anyone whether it be bush palin bachmann, whoever that leans right is to destroy the person and the party so that they keep and maintain their power.

but then agian i know nothing about poltics where facts dont matter only the perception of them does.
edit on 16-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Gannicus

"black cloud"

That didn't even cross my mind that this had a racial connotation until they brought it up,

I had to check out your topic wondering what on earth was wrong with saying black cloud,

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 07:03 AM
I love how there is almost zero interest in this thread. Can you imagine how large it would be by now if it was Fox who had been caught doing something like this to say, Ron Paul or Obama? It just goes to show a lot of the outrage over Fox is totally contrived. These people are fine with misinformation and lies in the media. They just have to be used to against Republicans.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Gannicus
I love how there is almost zero interest in this thread. Can you imagine how large it would be by now if it was Fox who had been caught doing something like this to say, Ron Paul or Obama? It just goes to show a lot of the outrage over Fox is totally contrived. These people are fine with misinformation and lies in the media. They just have to be used to against Republicans.

Or just imagine how large it would be if it were a legit thread. Instead it is just another example of how Breitbart likes to edit things. I think he had a good laugh editing this together to try and cry "foul editing." You go ahead and cling to the version Breitbart told you to go with all while decrying the media.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Gannicus
There is one big difference. Fox gets called out from the mountain tops. There are dozens of threads on every forum you can find, along with major coverage by every other MSM outlet. When it comes to the distortions and lies of the Democrat party press, not so much. There seems to be a lot less outrage about those incidents too.
edit on 16-8-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

Fox loves to brag about being the biggest dog on the porch.
Fox is constantly found guilty of distortion.
You cry because Fox gets called out more than other stations and all you have here is an edited clip and a slanted story in order to try and call out other stations.

So is that really the problem? You are just trying to defend Fox? Did it ever occur to you that Fox gets called out more because Fox does it more? I mean, so far this is a really poor example of it coming from other stations because it requires more editing and slant to make its case.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Kitilani

This has nothing to do with Breitbart. The article is from Mediaite, a left leaning media site that did their own investigation. Did you even read the article? Clearly not.

What is it with you and desperately trying to distract from the topic? This isn't about Fox News or Brietbart. Its about ABC news and NBC purposely editing a quote so they could accuse Perry of being a racist.
edit on 17-8-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Gannicus

Schultz actually apologized.

When would you ever see the right do that?

Schultz Apology

"Last night we played a clip of Governor Perry talking about the debt being a 'big black cloud' over this country," he said. "We did not present the full context of those statements and we should' doubt about it, it was a mistake and we regret the error. On this particular statement, we should not have included it in our coverage of his overheated rhetoric. That's our mistake. The full context of all of these other statements show who he is and what he stands for."

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by mudbeed
reply to post by Gannicus

Schultz actually apologized.

When would you ever see the right do that?

Rush Limbaugh ‘Apologizes’ To Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher

Earlier today, we reported that right-wing radio giant Rush Limbaugh completely bungled the task of reading Tommy Christopher’s critique of a Hardball segment comparing the Qu’ran to the Bible. Later in his show, Limbaugh corrected himself, and apologized to Christopher.

I'd also like to point out Ed didn't apologize for accusing Perry of being a racist.
edit on 18-8-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

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