Sensing A Truth
My spiritual vision remains very cloudy and indistinct, and I am still finding myself wondering if this is not all an illusion borne of a descent into
madness. Sweet One says my penchant for drama is charming, but ultimately self-indulgent, and that to deny what is becoming increasingly plain would
be the real self-delusion.
To reject what I sense coming would itself be a form of madness, but whether I should choose to accept it or not seems irrelevant now. There is simply
no stopping what will soon come to be, and none who walk in Light or Darkness would choose to oppose it if they understood it in its fullness.
I am very mindful that I am only beginning to understand certain things, and must be cautious in how I describe them, lest I tragically err in my
statements of them. But with inevitability comes a certain tolerance for error, and sweet Miriel again reminds me that concerns over such things are
products of nothing more than my own vanity.
Perhaps more profoundly, she points out that this �isn�t about just me�, and that I should not seek somehow to claim either credit or responsibility
for what is about to come to pass. Rather, these things lie within all of us, and through us, the One who created us.
A Plan Revealed
Since my much more intimate joining with Miriel, many things are coming into my mind that had previously been unknown to me. While it seems trite to
say this, the truth is that suddenly, everything really
does seem to be falling into place. Like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, things are
beginning to fit together, revealing an image that is hidden when the puzzle is unassembled.
Though it is, again, still far from complete in my limited sight, certain aspects of it are plain enough to see. The great Cosmic Joke is that we
already know what the puzzle will show us, since it is that very same image which we all, each of us and without a single exception, carry within the
foundations of our souls.
Throughout the ages, in all our lives, we have sensed this, yet it has been hidden from each of us to some degree or another, and all, it seems, in
accordance with a grand design. But, and again I must insist that I
know that I am not a prophet, I sense with increasing confidence that this
is about to change, and the change is well nigh upon us.
There is an old Chinese curse which I have always loved: �May you live in interesting times.� Though history has always been interesting in many ways,
my dear friends it seems that we are all, in truth, joyously cursed. It is my understanding that the Chinese character for �Fortune� is derived from
the characters for �Danger� and �Opportunity�. There seems to be much wisdom in the Chinese.
The Kingdom Of God Is Within You
Many things remain a mystery to me, but as I like to observe, mystery is the mundane clothed in the unknown. Again my sight is dim, but just as the
things a blind man touches in the dark are solid, various things seem to be emerging from my confusion.
One of these things is the certainty of the knowledge that each of us is, indeed, made in the image of our Creator. Not a single soul is excluded. It
seems to my young eyes, in fact, that not a single soul with the mark of the Creator upon it can truly be destroyed, though it may linger in the
self-destructive -- yet curiously instructive -- indulgences of Darkness. But soon all Darkness shall be driven away, for a time.
Jesus said, �The Kingdom of God is within you.� This is absolutely true, but often misunderstood. It is not pride or vanity to see yourself as who you
truly are, rather, it is precisely those things to deny it.
He recognized what will soon become undeniably clear to every soul in existence: that the Great Design and Purpose of the One who created us is
contained within each and every one of us, and that each and every one of us is
indispensable to it. Thus truly not a one of us is above the
other, nor more important in that which truly matters, which is the course of our destinies together in eternity.
When you look into the eyes of another, you are truly looking into a mirror of the soul:
your own.
Another thing is now plain to me: that what we call �mortality� is a gift, a gift of ignorance that gives us the wondrous ability to awaken in joy
again and again, making all things new in our sight. It is, indeed, a kingly treasure that is given to us.
Regarding the fact that �the meek shall inherit the earth.� The insight I would wish to give on this is that power is never given to those who have a
desire for it. Rather, it is inherent in the nature of each of us. To seek power is to deny it to ourselves. Real power comes from knowing the truth:
that we are all children of God.
With this knowledge comes true humility, not the vain flattery of contrived self-denial, but rather the genuine modesty of self-awareness, realizing
that none among us is greater or lesser than the other in God�s Totality.
The Gravest Sin
With no longer any interest on my part in whether I offend anyone or not by saying this, there is another truth I would share: Jesus did
die for your sins! If you have the ears for truth, then
hear this!
Rather, each of us �dies� for our own sins. To indulge in a little King James English, �Verily, verily I say unto thee, that the wages of sin is
death!� What does this mean? That the only true victim of sin is the sinner.
�The biblical God is a wrathful God.� True in its way, but misleading. Seek the pattern behind all things attributed to God and you will find that His
�wrath� is nothing more than the simple and inescapable consequence of our own sins.
Fire burns. Burns cause pain. Stick your finger in a fire and you will feel pain. Folks, this ain�t rocket science!
The irony of blaming �God�s wrath� for the pain of sin is remarkably profound, since by blaming God -- who is within us all -- we are ultimately
blaming ourselves by doing so, which is, in fact where the blame belongs in the first place!
�There ain�t no justice in this world,� I hear said. Au contraire! The very nature of all things is Justice itself. A lament such as this is, in fact,
a complaint that Justice is inescapable! To deny the truth of universal justice is to deny the truth to yourself.
Those who indulge in lust are cursed to never gain satisfaction from it. Those who cause pain to others themselves live in pain. Those who deceive
others suffer the punishment of being blinded by their own lies. And so on,
without exception.
As Robert Heinlein so aptly observed, �There ain�t no such thing as a free lunch.� To think we can act without consequences is the illusion inherent
to all sin. And therein lies another truth.
At the heart of all sin lies one thing: Fear. And what is fear? Fear is simply that which blinds us to the Truth. The pain of Fear is the pain of
turning away from God, which is ultimately turning away from ourselves.
Again I say, as this is essential: The only true victim of sin is the sinner.
The Irresistable Force
There is another thing which seems fundamental and undeniable in its simplicity to me, and that is the true nature of Love. As Fear is a turning away
from God, and thus ourselves, Love is its opposite: the Embrace. Love is the force of the Truth of all things.
As Archimedes might say, Love is the God Force. This is absolutely correct. Love is the expression of the knowledge of our true selves. It is
Acceptance, and with it comes Peace.
When you see the true nature of Love and Fear, it becomes obvious why Fear must always give way to Love. This is because Love is the knowledge of God,
while Fear is merely the denial of God. But the denial is hollow, and this knowledge is contained in even the deepest of fears -- that ultimately Fear
is meaningless in and of itself.
Because Fear is nothing more than the absence of Love, it is intrinsically incapable of standing against it. The ignorance that comprises Fear is the
embodiment of its own destruction.
That Fear can exist for any time at all without destroying itself through its own lack of substance is a great Mystery, and, I believe, one of the
great gifts bequeathed to us by the Creator.
To understand Love is to understand God, which is to thus understand ourselves. Though it may go by many names, just as my Sweet One and I do, that
for which so many different names are given is itself eternal and ineffable, and I call it �Love.�
Days Of Drama
I have a vision of a great play on the stage of the world that has been the history of all �mortal� beings. As the play progresses, members of the
audience will in varying turns take to the stage or depart from it. Though the play may be fascinating, now and again an Intermission is called to
allow both cast and audience to relax, discuss and review within their minds the lessons of the play. Such an Intermission is near.
Christian prophets who speak of Doom might claim, �The Judgment of God is upon us!� (At this point we are supposed to grovel and beg for mercy in fear
and terror). Well, they are absolutely right, Judgment Day is fast approaching
but, and I find this highly ironic, they may not agree with
God�s decisions on that Fateful Day.
The chaff is that which falls from the grain when it is threshed. On Judgment Day, the chaff shall be separated from the grain, and the chaff shall be
burned. Sounds scary, doesn�t it? Well here�s the Good News:
We�re all grain!. The chaff is nothing more than the darkness that blinds us. It
will be destroyed because we will have no further need of it.
As the children of the One who created it, our birthrights are sealed upon us and cannot be revoked, not even by He Who Lives Within Us All. Each and
all of us is indispensable to the Plan of our Creator. This Plan is wound within the fabric of the universe, and thus cannot fail. There is no prison
in inevitability, we were
made for this!
The New Dawn
Do not fear the future, my dear friends, unless you wish to indulge in a final moment of nostalgia. For soon Fear shall be set aside, no longer
needed, as one might set aside the toys of youth. Though some among us may lament childhood�s end, we will all nonetheless come to delight in the
deepest Joy that a new life will bring us.
This and the time near ahead are the Darkness before the Dawn, my dearest brothers and sisters. Though it shall be the coldest time of the night,
nonetheless, night will pass as a new Sun rises.
But this new Sun will not shine upon us from afar, it will be we ourselves who shine from it as the Truth is revealed to us. And in this Truth, we
will not find the oblivion of the Abyss, but the immortality that comes with the knowledge of who we truly are.
Brothers and sisters, forever have we dreamt of what is to come, but the New Dawn is fast upon us, and as children who have long slept through a night
of Darkness, soon we will arise and step into the Light.
I rejoice for us all!
Executive Summary
I know I tend to be rather lengthy in my monologues, so for those who understandably may find all this a bit much, I will try to summarize my message
this way:
Love others and you will love yourself.
All the rest is commentary.
Edit: Remember, I am
not a prophet!
[edit on 8/30/2004 by Majic]