I was born with three birthmarks, in Hawaii this means that I had 3 inherited demons. Romany Gypsy bloodline.
Believe me you do not want those, it apparently is like being mind controlled. I had to concentrate all though my life till I was able to command them
to go in my mid twenties.
But a good thing came out of it-I knew my own thoughts intimately. So that Freemason quote 'Know thyself' is good to do.
I've heard a 100% silk sheet on your bed stops scalar technology. I haven't tried this yet as I have a belief in God/Yehovah and I have been using
His technology to stop the attacks. I must have high '___' production in my genes, as my family exhibit the classic abduction scenarios.
If you have OBEs you will high '___' (Dimethyltyptamine) it's produced by everyone (including animals) since you were a 49 day old foetus. Some have
it quite high and helps to know the unknowable. Just recently I saw a boy hurt his hand (usually I pray to change the timeline but I got distracted)
and a boy did hurt himself exactly
I heard during the last UK elections "I think I will vote for Nick Clegg". As I knew my own thoughts, I immediately became incredulous and then
angry as many people will not have the means to resist. So I immediately went on the same frequency and said NO Noone will vote for Nick Clegg, not
now. You should have seen his demeanor-sulk or what. Well he shouldn't have tried to cheat should he. LOL
This is what I do, to protect us each night. I put the Holy armour of God over all of us. I then put the Hedge of fire of protection around us and our
house and then Claim the Blood of Jesus over all of us; my house inside and out and my street. This has started to work in that there has been less
vandalism in an allotment.
This year we have been finding shiny pennies in our garden-put there by witchcraft, loving people-they put spells on them and then wait for an
unprotected kid for a curse to land on the person. Don't pick up anything shiny.
We have even noticed; my kids and I together, that we are being followed in Malls and supermarkets. I don't know who the perps are serving but they
sure dress weird; new clothes but made to look shabby, I notice things like that.
DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) have been aimed at my house and us. I know this, as it disrupted my old TV-do not get HDTV or flat screen TVs, as DEW
can't be detected by you.
I know I and my kids have implants and I deactivated them using Neodymium magnets. This is what got their attention and they upped their remote
viewing and other stuff.
Place a magnet over any and all injection sites on all members of your household at the same time period.
This is going to sound weirder but use your imagination to counteract what they are doing. Visualize you being strong and them weak. Visualize
yourself healed and then breathe it into being. Like a huff.
Don't drink fluoridated water, or use toothpaste or mouthwash, or aspartame. And eat more food that has potassium in it, as this will help your '___'
to rise, You need to do this everyday.
Get crystals around the house and use their inert energy to supplement your own.
Make a chembuster, as it helps house plants to live longer without water (I've done experiments) so it must help with our stress too.
This website has helped a lot;
One technique that has really helped on one occasion.
I was woken up at 3am by 4 loud knocks (I was wearing earplugs and my dog didn't hear them) and they half woke up my partner ,who still sleeping sat
bolt upright. This action made me open my eyes. Above my wardrobe was a green oval light and under it were 4 forms that looked uncannily like Star
Trek beaming in transporter effect.
I 'knew' they meant to kill us (only one is needed to abduct, as I have been abducted by Black ops -not aliens) so I said the name of Yehovah and
breathed out the last consonant H as a long breath. Then I waved my hand to make them go away. Which they did. If you do this with love in your mind,
you can use this to reveal the true identity of reptiles who have a perception filter. (Done this and it's fun.) (See Emerald Tablet of Thoth 'Only
by sound can their faces be seen'=reveals hidden identity.)
They still remote view me outside of the house if I haven't locked the area down. Had an incident just three weeks ago. They wanted me to work for
them as a remote killer but I would never do it. I nearly did as a child in self-defense and I have made someone have a broken arm but I could never
kill for them. So they were going to kill me-don't really get their logic.
In Jaques Vallee UFO book (forget which one) he mentioned someone was holding keys of iron that stopped an abduction event and scared the greys, as
the paralysing ray they shot at him stopped working by his anger and a slight movement of the keys. I then remembered that people put iron horseshoes
outside their houses. In Revelation and other Bible verses it says 'He will come and rule over them with an iron rod/scepter'. So magnets and iron
can stop the greys and abduction events. I also believe gold torques (with iron in them) were worn by Celts to stop mind control.
One last thing, they are trying to damage everyone's adrenals, research this and do what you can to protect your adrenals, as this organ controls 33
hormones, including the Pineal gland; the producer of '___'.
God bless. And hope I have helped.