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The simple, yet ignored truth behind the UK riots…

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posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

And thank you for the kind words back.

I totally agree that TPTB are involved in pretty much all social unrest in one way or another and its reality to say that what was seen on the street were just not the moron element, many where anarchists of one form or another using the riots for their own ends.

And yes, a portion of the rioters will just be underprivileged lashing out, those students being put in huge debt before they even start, those youngsters having Uni closures and many other reasons which I can understand but when they step over the line from smashing something in anger to looting or attacking others my sorrow for them stops dead.

Revolution is needed here, we as people are totally fed up in our own varying ways about things, working class people are disgusted at the costings forced upon them and the removal of the very things they have paid for for years, the middle class although less affected than the poor are now feeling the effects to and they don't like it any more than the working class, where they aspired to be upper class they are seeing that the very level (if you will) they want is actually forcing them down so to keep the riches firmly amongst TPTB.

Me, I sit in my drug filled, violent estate watching bankers steal vast fortunes, watching governments cover their underhand dealing, I watch ordinary people being crushed and having the basic things stripped away, having huge levels of control placed upon them and various other sickening practices forced upon us BUT as I say in relation to the riots, they was an element in there that we agree were there for pure greed and thuggery, people who have no political ideals or cares, they are cavemen but with less pride and morals. These people will serve little use to the whole of society, more often than not ruining the very lives of people struggling to achieve a basic living standard.

There are days I recall the scene from Aliens, where Ripely says "we should nuke them from orbit, just to be sure", and I wonder if that's what is needed or it is coming to one way or another either by our choice or TBTB.
edit on 17-8-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-8-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 08:48 AM
I find it amusing and disgusting, while the UK Government and Justice system imposes, Authoritarian sentences on People for just writing on Facebook. They call for the stepping down of a President of another country and Criticize other Governments for Restricting access to the internet, when their citizens was using the internet to organize protests etc.

David Cameron has no right to dictate to anyone anymore or criticize any other Governments.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 06:26 AM
Well put together!

Thanks for the info

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