posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Nice idea until your nice plane is SHOT DOWN for stealing content from the artist and recording company you pirate.
Copyright laws are so rediculously confusing and one sided it's a wondor we can even burn a CD from prerecorded music anymore.
One song for one dollar...and you can only burn it once. WTF?
And depending on the recording label,some of these on line stores to buy content, only have HALF of the artists music.
So, if I wanted to burn some Cream or Blind Faith, I can record off of THAT album,but not THAT album.
That's on another site.
Take Rhapsody for example..No, YOU take them. They only have HALF of a recording artists library.
Yep... Bootlegging is the only way your going to get some music you want to hear on your own CD.