posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:21 AM
Dr Paul mentioned problems that the nation faces, that all the politicians are avoiding.
he mentions reducing our military over deployment, spending the federal money at home rather than building overseas.
that our income tax is a scam, and our financial system needs looking into.
at least, even those who don't agree with all he said, give him credit for bringing up real issues.
his opponents spend their time Obama bashing, Perry was on tv this morning, and bashing is all they reported.
other than having the support of the uber rich, meaning his campaign has lots of money.
which problems would he address?
and Romney does the same.
anybody can do Obama bashing, the voters want to hear something real.
it would be great if the debates included questions about the issues Ron Paul brings up, to see what the other candidates program's are.
the questions are asked of Ron Paul, how would the other candidates reduce military spending, or at least bring the spending home?
or if they are just for the status quo, on overseas deployment, income tax, etc.?