posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 01:30 AM
Hello ATS leadership and members, I am surprised that there is not yet a Crop Circle forum.
Currently, there are numerous crop circle threads residing on and scattered about multiple forums such as Aliens & UFOs, ATS Skunk Works, 2012
Infomation & Conspiracies, Philosophy and Metaphysics, Predictions & Prophecies, and so on.
So it would seem appropriate that Crop Circles have their very own forum. Lately, I see many passionately created threads authored by highly respected
members of ATS regarding fantastically complex, mysterious, and often downright beautiful crop circles end up in the Skunk Works forum. It just
doesn't seem right to me, even if they are often highly speculative (or even in some instances obvious man-made hoaxes).
I see that currently there is an empty slot under Mysterious Subject Matter Forums, and that could be the perfect place for it, perhaps?
At the very least, crop circles are awesome to look at and it would be nice if all of the threads covering them be consolidated into one sub-forum.
Your thoughts? Looking forward to and hoping for some support and consideration on this request. Cheers, for now.