posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 12:31 PM
Well this is an interesting turn of events. The Whitehouse and Snopes both posted a known forgery of the Obama COLB as their phoney proof before they
created the green copy.
Well people it looks like every single one was a fraudulent document from day one.
"When the White House posted online an image of President Obama's purported long-form birth certificate, it also linked to the previously circulated
"Certification of Live Birth," the short-form version that had been presented as the only birth documentation available.
However, the short-form certificate to which the White House linked April 27 was a forgery, claims research expert Ron Polland, Ph.D., who says he
made the image himself.
"I made the birth certificate image that was given to the media at the White House press conference held on April 27, 2011," Polland told WND."
Read more: 'I created Obama's certification of birth'
Looks like the AfterBirthers are slipping and sliding in their own goo this morning Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!