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Cameron Hires American Super-Cop!

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Mike_A

I don’t get it, what’s wrong with getting advice with someone with a hell of a lot of experience and by all account a pretty good track record?

With a reputation as a riot buster it comes across as another attack on the people that just puts another band aid on the problems and does not the address the cause. The deepening quagmire in Libya, phone hacking and the ongoing economic mess and corruption. Riots happen for a reason and it comes across as more of the government telling the people to shut up and take it instead of governing.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Where would England be without America there to help them out?

Of course this works both ways. If not for England and Canada, I would feel like the US is alone in the world.
If there's a gangbuster, let him come and have at it. Why not?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:41 PM
are the police still called bobbie's in the uk.
listen for the new phrase they will be saying as they beat supects.

stop resisting, stop resisting, stop resisting !!!!

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by kwakakev

From what I’ve read of him he’s much more than just a riot buster and has been credited with transforming community policing in LA and NY.

The reaction from some in the police has been supremely arrogant imo, they have had many years to tackle the antisocial behaviour, the gang cultures and gun crime that exists in certain areas and they have made very little headway. Throw into that the fact that the Met is marred by corruption scandals and they have next to no credibility when it comes to claiming that they are the best police force in the world.

The Met needs a little humility and accept that they can benefit from an outside opinion.

The deepening quagmire in Libya, phone hacking and the ongoing economic mess and corruption. Riots happen for a reason and it comes across as more of the government telling the people to shut up and take it instead of governing.

The riots had nothing to do with Libya, the phone hacking scandal or the economy. The people going through the courts now have decent jobs, decent education and are not poverty stricken; there was not one placard or political chant to be seen over the four days of looting.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 05:17 AM
US style policing is NOT what the UK needs.

Rioting is both a parenting problem and a social problem. Not a policing problem

edit on 14-8-2011 by JennaDarling because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 06:19 AM
Bratton recruited an additional 5000 officers in New York and ensured that they received the appropriate training to deal with the gang culture.

Now let's see what advice he will give bearing in mind the Government are still working towards cutting the Police budget by 20%.

Maybe he can bring some consistency to the Governments thinking, because at the moment mixed messages are being sent. Happy Days.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Mike_A

My comments where based on how the media was portraying this and a general reaction for your question. I do not have a problem with the UK looking get outside assistance. I am not sure how he is going to be utilised, but some experienced fresh blood in the system is a good thing. With what is looking to be on the horizon it is a very wise move as well.

I do see the risk of civil unrest spreading from the Middle East, through Europe and on to America as reasonable. I gave a few of the main cases of corruption going on as an example, but there are many more and this is what I see at the heart of the civil unrest. At the moment these riots are just a few warnings, but there are some long term trends going on where this pressure is building. If more transparency, honesty and decency is not introduced into the system it is going to get hotter.

The internet is causing the media to lose its grip on its censorship and the stories are getting out. At the moment it is just a few taking to the streets at night, if things don't start to improve soon it will be the many taking to the streets during the days. This is a forecast and I may be wrong, but when seeing just how bad some of these hidden problems are I wish I was.

edit on 14-8-2011 by kwakakev because: replaced 'really' with 'are'

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 06:38 AM
First mistake England did was take the guns away from law abiding citizens.
Second mistake was to create a nanny state.
Third mistake is not getting tough with these rioters. Why are they not using less than lethal options? Rubber bullets, bean bag shots, flash bangs and tear gas, water cannons, k9s, for crowd dispersal?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
First mistake England did was take the guns away from law abiding citizens.
Second mistake was to create a nanny state.
Third mistake is not getting tough with these rioters. Why are they not using less than lethal options? Rubber bullets, bean bag shots, flash bangs and tear gas, water cannons, k9s, for crowd dispersal?

Law abiding citizens can still have guns, in fact, farmers own shotguns. There is gun clubs around the country aswell.

Nanny state, sure, next time you are hard off or out of work, please don't go and sign on apply for any benefits.
Next time you get ill and sick, dont use the NHS, go to a private doctor. Thanks.

Tough with rioters, you mean like they did in Northern Ireland? Rubber bullets, yeah, how many deaths did they produce?

The UK is either letting it happen for political gain, very probable or they are like that movie Demolition Man where they are not used to such crime, this I doubt considering the British Empire's track record.

edit on 14-8-2011 by JennaDarling because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:27 AM
Oks to get some advise from outside Ex--Police who might have a different insight into Controlling riots etc. But this is becoming to politicized. What happened to this line to keep the police separate from politicians. A very dangerous road we are going down in this country in my opinion.

Another thing I am wondering about. Teressa May already banned one Protest by the EDF, what is going to happen if she bans the Protest marches over the Pension cuts. Are they going to beat up 200 thousand people? Or Arrest them?

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